Who Killed Sara? Season 3 Ending Explained: The mystery behind Sara Guzman's death finally solved

'Who Killed Sara'? has been one of those binge-worthy dramas on Netflix, and the series comes to a definitive conclusion with the third and final season. The answer to the question of who killed Sara is finally revealed, but not without enough drama and suspense. The finale also rounds up the arcs of most characters. Barring the finale that crosses the 45-minute mark, the rest of the episodes are crisp, pacy, and intriguing.
Sara's brother Alex (Manolo Cardona) hunts relentlessly for his sister with his love interest Elisa (Carolina Miranda) and uncovers a chilling conspiracy. Nicandro (Matías Novoa) just adds to the suspense by revealing that "it was us" behind Sara's death and not Marifer (Litzy), who by the way has survived the fire, but has been rather badly disfigured by the burns. Jean Reno's Reinaldo is a shady doctor who also masterminds the Medusa Project — one that includes Sara as a lab rat.
Netflix 'Who Killed Sara' Season 3 Review: Suspenseful and compelling mystery drama ends with bang
'Who Killed Sara?' Season 3 Ending Explained

The seventh episode provides at least three major twists, none that could have been exactly predictable. Alex kidnaps Tonya, the senior doctor from the Medusa facility to find out more about the location and Sara. When her fate is revealed that she killed herself, an infuriated Alex charges into the laboratory and catches up with Reinaldo. The doctor attempts to manipulate him, but the revenge spurs him to kill the doctor eventually. Lucia and Chema Lazcano manage to escape in the melee that ensues.
If Sara's death was one of the earlier twists in the final episode, the blame for the death is taken by Cesar Lazcano, and he has his reasons. It is also revealed that the man is dying from pancreatic cancer and won't exactly be serving his entire time of 40 years in prison. Coming back to Sara's death, the idea was to die in defiance rather than be Reinaldo's lab experiment. She manages to get hold of a knife and stabs herself in front of the doctor. The season also ends with the death of Marifer, who has been suffering from the severe burn injuries she sustains in Season 2. It is shown that Sara and Marifer reunite in the afterlife.
The takeaway: 'Who Killed Sara?' is a tragic tale, but is a story that believes people deserve second chances, no matter how heinous their deeds were. Alex and Elisa will now have to make peace and find comfort in the fact that they have Lucia, who is a spitting image of her mother, while Chema has atoned for his sins. That he prays to God in one of the scenes shows how desperate he was to change himself. It's unlikely that Netflix will spring a new season, not after every story arc is tied up after three seasons of intricate storytelling.
'Who Killed Sara'? Season 3 is available for streaming on Netflix.