When will 'Barry' Season 4 Episode 3 air on HBO?

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: HBO’s blockbuster series ‘Barry’ has made a stunning comeback and began the show’s fourth and final season with two extraordinary episodes. When Season 3 ended, viewers were eagerly waiting for the fourth edition to arrive. The conclusion of the third edition made everyone realize that things are getting really bleak for the titular character because he has FINALLY been taken into custody. His former mentor, Gene Cousineau (Henry Winkler), betrayed him and helped the police in taking him behind the bars. With the premiere of Season 4, we got an idea of how difficult it is for Barry to adjust to this new lifestyle.
In the first episode of Season 4, Barry lost his mind and punched the wall. When the police officer tried cooling him down, he confessed that he is a “cop killer” and would kill his entire family if he would have seen him in the streets. The officer beat the s**t out of him and his entire face was covered in blood. Fuches came in and became an ally. He even gave up his deal with the FBI for Barry. However, Barry had some other ideas and he struck a deal with the FBI.

Barry told the FBI agents that he will tell them everything about his crimes and even give information about international crime syndicates. As a result, Barry is taken out of prison and Fuches is left reeling. The episode ended with Hank taking a drastic decision and making it clear that Barry is in a dangerous situation. Fans cannot wait to see what will happen in the next episode, but when will the next episode air? Let’s take a look.
When will ‘Barry’ Season 4 Episode 3 air?
In the final moments of Episode 2, Hank gets to know that Barry has struck a deal with the FBI and he is going to tell them everything. In the end, he thinks that killing Barry would be a better idea because they can’t let the FBI track them. The ominous ending made fans really curious about the upcoming episode and fortunately, the show is not taking a break.

The third episode of ‘Barry’ Season 4, titled ‘You’re Charming’, will be premiering exclusively on HBO on Sunday, April 23, at 10 PM EST.
HBO did release a promo for the next episode, but it’s cryptic as hell. The promo sees Cousineau sitting inside a car with someone as they drive on the main road. That’s it. That’s the promo and not a single word is spoken in this clip. It’s fascinating to see that HBO doesn’t want to give away anything this time around and even the promos don’t give any idea of what’s going to happen next.