Washington 'coronabro' stalks woman in Target for not wearing mask in viral video

A viral video captured a masked man with a Covid-19 vaccination pin on his shirt stalking a woman around a Target outlet because she didn't have a face mask on. The incident reportedly happened in Washington and as caught on video, shows the man without any items to purchase as he goes around harassing the woman who claims to have 'natural immunity'.
News of this comes days after a California woman was caught on video harassing workers inside a restaurant for being unmasked. The woman went on a full-on tirade and was ultimately arrested after she sprayed the restaurant supervisor with cleaning spray and pounced on another worker, yelling "I'm vaccinated, b***h!" In case of the Target male-'Karen' following the female shopper around the outlet, he too brags about his vaccination status, asserting to the woman that wearing a face mask is a "state regulation".
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The video shows the woman ask the man "You're vaccinated?" And when he responds in the affirmative, she replies, "Oh you are? Because I already have natural immunity." Giving the impression that the man has been tailing her since before the video's beginning, the woman tells the man, "You're not going to follow me around in the store and point at me to people." And that's when he tells her it's a state regulation to wear a face mask. The woman replies, "It's not a law. You're an idiot," and tries to walk away but the man keeps following her.
Man in a mask with an I’m vaccinated pin chases woman around Target for not wearing a mask while bragging about his wife being a doctor. This is peak coronabro. pic.twitter.com/Gbe1qQ3iF3
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) September 16, 2021
Another female shopper can be seen telling the man to "leave her alone" and interjects with her cart to keep the two separated. "You got your mask on; you're safe. I'm sure you're vaccinated too," the other woman tells the man. The man then admits he has the badge pinned to indicate he is vaccinated and then points at the woman taking the video as a small crowd gathers around them. People can even be heard asking the man to stop harassing the woman in the background. But the man proclaims people should shame the woman for not wearing a mask.

"It's all of our job as a community to come together and make sure that people are shamed when they put the rest of us at risk," the man says. The woman reports him to a security officer in the store, saying: "He was following me; he won't leave me alone." As the woman walks away, the man continues to follow her to the register area without any items to purchase. "You're making a bad decision. You're a bad American...you're a bad person for doing this," the man tells the woman. The woman replies sarcastically agreeing with him and also telling him that she had voted for Donald Trump to which a few people cheer.
Another shopper also chimed in saying getting vaccinated is a personal choice, but the man continues to berate the woman saying: "You're putting the community at risk, you're a terrible person." The man then urges the security guard to escort the maskless woman out of the store, but another woman retorts: "You're not at risk! C'mon! This is America!" The video finally ends with the security talking to the man. According to Washington's current state mandate, "everyone five years of age and older wear a mask in public indoor settings and at large, outdoor events with 500 or more attendees, including sporting events, fairs, parades, and concerts, regardless of vaccination status."
The video left people on social media irate too. Conservative commentator Clay Travis shared the clip on Twitter, writing: "Man in a mask with an I’m vaccinated pin chases woman around Target for not wearing a mask while bragging about his wife being a doctor. This is peak coronabro." In response, one person replied: "Haven't seen a single instance of a non-vaxxed person stalking someone through a Target, harassing them about their vaccination. Most of the people I know that aren't vaxxed don't give a shit if you are. They're too busy minding their own business to care.
Others suggested the man be given a taste of his own medicine. "Something tells me this isn’t his first encounter doing something like this. If he is doing this over someone not wearing a mask, this happens frequently. Someone should follow him around and see how he likes it." People who claimed to be vaccinated also found a problem with the man's behavior. "I myself am vaxed but this is just some weirdo shit,tbh we need to all get back to minding our own business. I encourage people to get it but if you choose not to that's cool w me to, technically according to HIPPA your vax record is nobodies business anyway," one user wrote.
Another turned the debate political, asking: "Why isn’t he at the Southern Boarder yelling at the 8,000 plus unvaccinated immigrants waiting under the Bridge in Texas to be processed, the 4,000 in the facilities and the 20,000 in the caravan on its way here??" One found the situation ironic, tweeting: "Calling someone a bad person, yet he’s the one harassing this woman following her around the store. The irony."
Man in a mask with an I’m vaccinated pin chases woman around Target for not wearing a mask while bragging about his wife being a doctor. This is peak coronabro. pic.twitter.com/Gbe1qQ3iF3
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) September 16, 2021
Haven't seen a single instance of a non-vaxxed person stalking someone through a Target, harassing them about their vaccination. Most of the people I know that aren't vaxxed don't give a shit if you are. They're too busy minding their own business to care.
— BW (@Webster614) September 16, 2021
Something tells me this isn’t his first encounter doing something like this. If he is doing this over someone not wearing a mask, this happens frequently. Someone should follow him around and see how he likes it.
— Dallas Spencer (@dallasspencer97) September 16, 2021
I myself am vaxed but this is just some weirdo shit,tbh we need to all get back to minding our own business. I encourage people to get it but if you choose not to that's cool w me to, technically according to HIPPA your vax record is nobodies business anyway
— Jevon (@jevon_burke) September 16, 2021
Why isn’t he at the Southern Boarder yelling at the 8,000 plus unvaccinated immigrants waiting under the Bridge in Texas to be processed, the 4,000 in the facilities and the 20,000 in the caravan on its way here??
— CatTales (@CatTales13) September 16, 2021
Calling someone a bad person, yet he’s the one harassing this woman following her around the store. The irony.
— Tony Gee (@jerseyguy39) September 16, 2021