Viral video shows restaurant customer punching anti-masker who shoved another man

In a viral video, an aggressive anti-masker at a restaurant was seen getting punched in the face by another customer after he shoved a third man during a furious tirade. In the beginning, the video shows the man yelling at a restaurant staffer, accusing her of "discriminating" against him by asking him to wear a mask. "We're going to f**k your restaurant up!" he shouted. The staff member simply says, "it's a mandate!"
When another customer tried to inervene, the anti-masker shoved him, saying, "Don't get in my face!" While others got up in support of the customer who was shoved, one man approached the anti-masker and knocked him to the floor with a punch to his face.
Sofia Steele: School ties mask to head of girl with Down Syndrome, 7, for SIX weeks
Colorado Springs student with mask taped to her face sparks outrage over mask mandate
How to properly ask an #antimasker to leave the restaurant
— Kyle Perkins (@FarLeftKyle) October 25, 2021
The topic of wearing a mask has now become one of the most divisive issues in America. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that vaccinated individuals too wear a mask in areas where there is a 'substantial or high transmission risk', but the final decision on this depends on state and local governments. Across the country, these policies differ. Some states, such as Texas, have said that local governments cannot enforce a mask mandate on citizens. States like California and New York, on the other hand, have very strict mask mandates.
Several instances of fights and disputes over mask mandates, in public places as well as educational institutions, have recently come to the fore. Videos of anti-maskers confronting and shouting at parents while they walked their children to school in wealthy Beverly Hills have gone viral on the internet. The clips showed dozens of angry anti-maskers following parents and their kids as they walked to school on National Walk And Bike To School Day. Shiva Bagheri, founder of Beverly Hills Freedom Rally, was heard saying in one of the videos to a parent, “He's gonna be traumatized if you put that mask on him and you don't let him breathe through it.” She later added, “You should choose what does on your child's face and in your child's body. This is rape. This is rape. They're trying to rape our children with this poison. They're going to rape their lives away,” while holding a placard that read ‘KEEP AMERICA FREE’.
A group of anti-vaccine/anti-vaccine mandate activists protested at Walk to School Day in Beverly Hills today. Protesters followed Mayor Bob Wunderlich from the civic center to Hawthorne Elementary School, engaging in heated exchanges with parents.
— Samuel Braslow (@SamBraslow) October 6, 2021
In another incident, video footage showed a parent, later identified as Jonas Sjoberg, being attacked by another unmasked person after he praised the board's decision to continue implementing a mask mandate. Meanwhile, several parents of students in USA's schools have been opposing safety measures put in place to keep Coronavirus, which is plaguing the world, at bay. They have resorted to peculiar tactics, and in some cases, even violent ones. For instance, parents at an elementary school threatened to zip-tie the principal. Some parents dissatisfied at a mask mandate in Ankeny Community School District near Des Moines, Iowa, have now decided to remove their children from school, and also deprive the district of funds.
Earlier this year, an anti-mask crusader and Trump supporter started a harassment campaign against an Arizona wig shop that serves cancer patients. The name of the shop is Sunny's Hair and Wigs, and they specialize in making wigs for women who have lost hair while getting treated for cancer. The strict guidelines set in the shop invited the ire of anti-masker Ethan Schmidt. He is known to travel across the Phoenix area and target businesses that still require customers to wear mask. He visits such shops and claims he is a victim of discrimination. He is 23 years old and was banned from social media sites after it was reported that he was spreading false information about coronavirus.