'The Umbrella Academy' Season 3: Here's how the show introduced Elliot Page as Viktor Hargreeves

In December 2020, Elliot Page stunned the world when he announced himself as a transgender and gave the world one more reason to love her. Soon after the announcement, fans of ‘The Umbrella Academy’ asked the makers if Elliot will continue to be a part of the show or not. The makers bluntly said that Elliot will continue to remain a part of the show and revealed that the transition will be shown in the Netflix series as well.
Soon, we got to know that Elliot’s character will now be referred to as Viktor Hargreeves. As soon as it was announced, the writers on the show quickly began thinking of how to bring in the transition story during Season 3 and started re-writing to reflect that change. It was an emotional moment for Thomas Page McBee, a trans journalist, who beautifully crafted the character of Viktor. However, it was difficult for them to show that aspect because Season 3 picks up right after the second season.
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Now that Season 3 has finally made its way to Netflix, let’s find out how Vanya’s transition to Viktor has been handled on the show.

‘The Umbrella Academy’ Season 3: Here’s how Vanya transitioned to Viktor
One of the most striking aspects of the show is how it handles the transition with simplicity. In Episode 2 of ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Season 3, we see Vanya having flashbacks of her romance with Sissy in the previous editions. That’s the first step of “his” transition and soon after the flashbacks, he visits a barber and enters the shop after hearing these words from Sissy in his ears, “You don’t even notice the box that you’re in until someone comes along and lets you out.”
A few moments later, we see Diego, Klaus, and Five talking about how to fix the timeline. That’s when Viktor enters and tells them that he had a discussion with Marcus and when Diego asked him “Who elected you, Vanya?” that’s when he said, “It’s Viktor. It’s who I’ve always been. Is that an issue for anyone?”
Diego responds, “Nah, I’m good with it”. On the other hand, Klaus and Number Five also accept his transition, with Five saying that he’s “really happy” for him.
However, the most amazing moment comes when he speaks about the transition to Allison. During the emotionally charged discussion, Viktor tells her the reasons why he decided to come out as trans. Viktor says, “You couldn’t have known because I didn’t fully. Being with Sissy, I don’t know, she opened something in me. Showed me I’d never be free hiding from who I really am. And after losing her I realized I just can’t live in that box anymore. I won’t.”
The duo stops in front of a shop where Viktor sees himself in the mirror and says that he always hated mirrors. He adds, “I thought everybody looked so strange in their skin. I guess that’s not true.” Allison goes ahead and asks him, “What do you see now?” Viktor proudly says, “Me. Just me.”
Allison reassures him that he is “family” and there’s nothing that would make her love him less. The scene ends with Allison hugging Viktor as they move forward to do their stuff.
Even though the scene was so simple, it managed to create a massive impact on everyone who saw it. All his siblings made sure that Viktor knows that he is loved irrespective of gender or anything else.
‘The Umbrella Academy’ Season 3 is currently streaming on Netflix.