Teenager gets USB cable stuck in penis 'trying to measure how long it was'

A 15-year-old teenager from London was admitted to the hospital after a sexual experiment took an ugly turn. The unidentified boy had to undergo emergency surgery on his penis after being admitted to the hospital with an entire USB cable stuck into his urethra. He was brought to the hospital after urinating a large amount of blood and initial attempts to retrieve the cable made matters worse because of the knotting.
In the past, we have reported similar incidents including the time when a 65-year-old Tokyo man had a part of his penis amputated after he strangulated the organ with a rubber band to stop his skin cancer from spreading. In another incident, Salman Mirza from India died after using superglue as protection instead of a penis in June this year. A Ukrainian woman inserted a metal nut on her husband's penis as punishment for being unfaithful. The nut had to be cut by a circular saw at the hospital after his attempts to remove it himself proved unsuccessful.
Coming back to the London teen, hospital staff had failed to pull out the cable using special tools due to the position of the knot. He was then urgently transferred to University College Hospital for further treatment. The teen initially asked to be examined without his mother following which he confessed he inserted the cable to measure his penis. The teen paid heavily for his sexual curiosity as surgeons had to cut and sever through the muscles surrounding his penis and scrotum to remove the knot.
The knot was extracted through the incision and then cut free from the rest of the cable. The other pieces were pulled out the opening of his penis once the knot was removed. “The urethra was closed with interrupted sutures and a urethral catheter was inserted. His recovery was uneventful, and he was discharged the following day with simple analgesia, oral antibiotics, and the urethral and suprapubic catheters in situ," according to a case study provided by the medical journal Urology Case Reports. The boy was discharged from the hospital the very next day as he was recovering well.
“No evidence of urine leak or urethral stricture was observed apart from a slight caliber change at the distal bulbar and proximal penile urethra. The catheter was removed successfully, and ongoing follow-up is required to monitor for any long-term damage," the report reads. A follow-up scan after two weeks revealed he was doing fine but doctors noted he would need medical monitoring for some time.