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'Super entitled': Redditors fume over note left on a public bench 'reserved' for four-year-old's birthday party

A Redditor posted a picture of the note that was left on one bench, with several others covered in Super Mario tablecloths
The note was left on a bench, with other benches covered in Super Mario table cloths (Reddit/@u/AV16mm)
The note was left on a bench, with other benches covered in Super Mario table cloths (Reddit/@u/AV16mm)

A picture of a hand-written note shared on Reddit has now gone viral. The note, which had been placed on the bench of a public park and read, "Reserved for a birthday party," has sparked outrage among Redditors who call the move "rude" and "entitled". 

On the note was also written, "Please respect the space we’ve set aside and do not use our tables. This is a four-year-old’s party, don’t be the one to mess it up. Thank you." The message did not go down well with many, including the user who first shared it, who captioned the image, "Busy public park on a hot saturday/labor day weekend. Seems super entitled. Park has been open for 4 hours and no sign of them. All the other tables are full."


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Several others have offered their views on the note, which seeks to "reserve" a public space for a birthday party. What's worse was that the family that had laid out the note was nowhere to be seen while all other tables and benches of the park were occupied owing to the holiday. Users have reacted to the note, calling it downright "entitled." One user also noted that such behavior had become a common occurrence, writing, "It’s just like people reserving pool chairs at 7am and not showing up to the pool until 3."

Someone else pointed out that the family could have been more polite about it. "They could have at least put the time of the party so that people could use the tables up until then and then just clear out for the actual party time," wrote one user, while another suggested, "They could have written a more polite 'we know this is a public park but we're showing up with 20 4-year-olds at 1 PM so please let us use these tables for a few hours'."

The note has been highly criticized by Redditors (Reddit/ @
The note has been highly criticized by Redditors (Reddit/ @@u/AV16mm)

"I think this would have been the best thing to do in this scenario. I understand them wanting to make sure they have seats for a party they want to throw in a public park, but preventing everyone from using them all day when they're not even there yet wasn't a great choice," someone wrote in agreement. "Bro. Just use the table and if they show up tell them you came to the party," quipped someone else. 

In an update, the Redditor who first posted about the incident wrote, "They finally showed after about 6 hours into the day. Immediately set up a noisy boombox, which attracted the park rangers. That got them a lengthy talking to and they’ve been low-key since. Best part is several families set up blankets and spots right next to the tables, which I think got the message across!"