Reddit page shares HILARIOUS, unbelievable expectations entitled people have

There are always some who believe they are entitled to their own way. For instance, at a coffee shop, cutting in front of you or requesting a table at a completely seated restaurant without a reservation. They believe that the world owes them something in exchange for nothing, or that the rules do not apply to them.
Entitled People, a Reddit page dedicated to such people, has its own subreddit. This online group exists to shame people who believe they are superior to others. Members of this subreddit share unbelievable incidents, such as requesting to enter a business after it has closed, complaining about an ambulance obstructing their driveway, or requesting to postpone... the sun!
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The "you owe me" mindset is one of the most common traits of entitled people. They appear to believe in their own superiority over others; they regard themselves as more important, wiser, and better in general. As a result, they naturally demand more rewards from life, which can be frustrating to people around them.
Some of the unavailable moments can be found below:

The members of the subreddit group also share what makes a person entitled to people and how to control your "entitled" attitude. This may appear to be a never-ending loop. As an entitled person, one believes that the world owes them certain things, and then they become enraged when their expectations aren't satisfied. Finally, resolving their current predicament will only strengthen their belief that they truly deserve everything they've ever desired. The good news is that this is readily modified, and we can come up with a few ideas on how to do so.

One might begin by modeling how one would like to be treated by others. The reddit page thinks that such people should take a step back and consider the matter from a different perspective: is it really fair for others to abandon all they're doing only to help you?