When will 'Prodigal Son' Season 2 Episode 7 air? Catherine Zeta-Jones joins the cast with Alan Cumming

Malcolm Bright returns to our screens tonight, but he's not quite himself, neither is his life the way he or even we have known it. Tonight, Bright is the son of a capable detective who helps him solve his cases. He is not the son of infamous doctor-serial killer Martin Whitly, who killed 23 people under the moniker 'The Surgeon'. Although the show's current timeline has been through cases where the NYPD has brought in Martin's insidious brain for help solving cases, he still continues to be a deplorable element in Malcolm's life. And rosy as tonight's episode might seem compared to the otherwise botched reality, it is the next episode that has all the presents in store. Perhaps why viewers will have to wait a little longer than usual to find out all the brand new guest stars joining in as series regulars.
According to TV schedules, there's no new episode of 'Prodigal Son' airing in the next couple of weeks. The next new episode, that's Season 2's Episode 7 will air on Tuesday, March 2, at its usual 9 PM time slot only on FOX. Titled 'Face Value', the episode sees "Malcolm, still reeling from the latest events with Ainsley, focuses on the next case, in which a famous plastic surgeon is murdered. Meanwhile, Martin gets a new job working in the infirmary with resident MD Dr. Vivian Capshaw. Then, Jessica is surprised to learn her younger sister is in town in the all-new."
But that's not all; playing Vivian Capshaw is none other than the brilliant Catherine Zeta-Jones, who's hopping on board as a series regular. The episode will also see the talented Alan Cumming guest star as Simon Hoxley - a character that is yet to be teased or given hints about by the network. Could he be the famous plastic surgeon who is murdered? Only March will tell!
But before we jump to conclusions for 'Face Value', FOX is airing a repeat telecast of this season's premiere episode 'It's All In The Execution' next Tuesday, during the show's designated 9 pm time slot. The synopsis teases: "Bright finds his personal life in disarray after his sister's shocking actions in the Season One finale. Now, he has to "take care" of her and protect his mother, Jessica, from a secret that could tear the family apart all over again. To distract himself, Malcolm takes on a new case and must find the killer behind a recent beheading in the city... and the only person he can turn to for help with the case is his father. Meanwhile, Martin returns to Claremont to a surprise new roommate (guest star Michael Chernus) and JT faces discrimination while on the job."

As for tonight's Episode 6 'Head Case', the plot will follow Malcolm and his team to investigate the murder of an architect who was tasked with renovating a supposedly haunted hotel. In due course, "Bright is knocked out and falls into an elevator shaft. Trapped and unconscious, he imagines an alternate reality that finds him leading a semi-normal life in which his father, who is not a serial killer, helps him solve the case."
'Prodigal Son' airs on Tuesdays at 9 PM only on FOX.