Patrizia Marca: Woman 'torn apart' and mauled to death by brother's Rottweiler after she brought it food

VENTIMIGLIA, ITALY: A 53-year-old woman was mauled to death by her brother's Rottweiler on Wednesday afternoon, April 5, after she went to feed the animal. Patrizia La Marca was feeding the canine when it set upon her and savagely "tore her apart" with its jaws. She was reportedly at her brother's home in Ventimiglia, a town in northern Italy when the dog attacked her. It is believed that her brother and his wife, who have not yet been named, were away on holiday for a few days.
After discovering Marca's bloodied body, the neighbors immediately informed emergency services which arrived at the scene at around 4 pm. The national military force, Carabinieri, was also called to the place of the incident. They found the victim's body with traumatic bites to her arms, chest, shoulders, and head. The dog reportedly ripped chunks off her body as she tried to defend herself. On arrival, the police officers shot and injured the animal which was later taken to a kennel under judicial control. The injured woman, on the other hand, was taken to hospital by helicopter but was unable to survive due to the inflicted injuries.
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'The body was torn apart in several places'
One emergency worker recounted the shocking incident to local media. "The body was torn apart in several places. A very serious clinical situation... I have never seen anything like it," the worker said, as per Mirror. At the moment, it is unclear if the dog will be put down. The authorities are currently investigating the incident.
Unprovoked dog attacks have tripled in the past 20 years
A number of people have been admitted to hospital due to dog bites. Such unprovoked dog attacks have tripled in the past 20 years, as per The Sun. Rottweilers are among the top dog breeds with high statistics for bite attacks along with pit bulls and German shepherds, as per Warriors of Justice. Previously in early April, a 17-month-old baby girl was viciously mauled to death by an American bully. The tragic incident led the toddler's mother to raise awareness about dog attacks. She started a campaign to help other families who have lost children due to such incidents. While aiming to help fellow parents, the mother said, "I want to help other families in our position as we felt very isolated and judged when this attack happened." She added, "Bella-Rae's name would be out there helping families rather than being known as the toddler who died of a dog attack. I don't want my daughter known as the baby who got mauled, she was more than that. I wish people would understand that this can happen to anybody, no matter what type of breed," as per the Daily Mail.