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'Only Murders in the Building': Who’s behind the mysterious ham radio voice, and what it means for Season 4

Cliffhangers in Episode 3 of 'Only Murders in the Building' Season 4 birth interesting fan theories on social media
Fans assemble on Reddit to speculate the identity of mystery woman on ham radio in 'Only Murders in the Building' (@hulu)
Fans assemble on Reddit to speculate the identity of mystery woman on ham radio in 'Only Murders in the Building' (@hulu)

Contains spoilers and speculations for 'Only Murders in the Building' Season 4

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: 'Only Murders in the Building' Season 4 keeps fans hooked with its classic whodunit charm, offering plenty of clues without revealing the mystery too soon. As Charles (Steve Martin), Oliver (Martin Short) and Mabel (Selena Gomez) investigate the crime scene and the clues left by Sazz Pataki (Jane Lynch) before her murder, new mysteries are introduced in Episode 3 of 'Only Murders in the Building', steering the drama in a whole new direction.

While the Westies were the primary suspects, the introduction of the mystery woman confuses the podcaster trio. She issues them a warning, asking them not to delve deeper. If the ending of Episode 3 left you confused, here's a brief explanation of what the ham radio conversation means:

1. Someone may be spying on Charles, Mabel and Oliver

Here is what the 'Only Murders in the Building' Season 3 finale means for Season 4 (@hulu)
Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selena Gomez in 'Only Murders in the Building' @hulu)

When Mabel tuned in to 445 frequency on the Ham radio at Dudenoff's apartment, the mystery woman warned them about the danger and then greeted the pig with his actual name, Hammy Faye Baker.

It implies that the woman not only knows that Mabel is now living at Dudenoff's apartment but is also aware that the pig is with them. It is only possible when someone has been keeping a close tab on them and the trio now must watch their every step from here onwards.

2. Sazz Pataki may have been the actual target of the killer

Sazz Pataki's murder mystery baffles podcaster trio in 'Only Murders in the Building' (Hulu/@patrickharbron)
Jane Lynch as Sazz Pataki in 'Only Murders in the Building' (Hulu/@patrickharbron)

Before the radio communication was abruptly interrupted, the woman said that the last person who was on the frequency got killed. Since Sazz was the one who was murdered, does this mean she was getting closer to unfolding a mystery? It is also possible that Sazz could be Dudenoff. Dudenoff is missing from his apartment and Westies are hiding something about this character. Our theory is that Sazz may have rented the apartment, and befriended the Westies. This might explain why the Westies are so obsessed with the card game as Sazz was the one who introduced Charles to his poker group.

Moreover, given that the mystery person in the photo at Vince's apartment, whose face is crossed out, appears tall, it’s possible that Sazz was posing with the Westies. But why would Sazz rent the apartment? Was she aware of a brewing conspiracy right under their nose?

Fans think the woman on Ham radio is a returning character

Tina Fey in 'Only Murders in the Building' (@hulu)
Tina Fey in 'Only Murders in the Building' (@hulu)

Though the episode left no hints about the identity of the woman, fans have been trying to make guesses based on the voice. A conversation began on Reddit when a fan pointed out that "the woman on the radio sounded extremely familiar."

As a fan guessed her to be Alice Banks from Season 2, most people voted for Cinda Canning, a recurring character in 'Only Murders in the Building'. A fan joined the theory as he said, "Oh you may be onto something." Sharing a YouTube link, he further added, "Here is Tina Fey speaking German and it does sound like her," while another person said, "damn this really does send the investigation to a whole new direction." "Definitely sounds like Tina Fey (Cinda) with an accent on that radio," reads another Reddit comment.

Though these speculations are interesting, there's yet no explanation why Cinda would want Sazz or Charles dead. Could it be because she wanted to break the trio since Mabel rejected her offer to join her podcast in a previous season? We'll have to wait for a few more episodes to find out.

'Only Murders in the Building' Season 4 Episode 3 is now available to stream on Hulu and Disney+