NYPD cop beats homeless man unconscious as he clears NYC homeless encampment in video

A shocking video of two New York Police Department (NYPD) brutalize a homeless man repeatedly until he was knocked to the ground unconscious has emerged on the Internet. The cops were out to clear the multiple homeless encampments that have sprung up in the city overrun with crime. The video begins with an officer trying to detain a man on a MacDougal Street sidewalk near Greenwich village. It is not clear when the incident took place where two officers pushed a vagrant to the ground, one held his arms behind his back while the other landed punch after punch on the man till he lost conciousness. The cop punched the homeless man six times in the head and midsection while another cop held his hand behind.
In the past we have reported on similar incidents including Devin Carter's case in 2020. The 17-year-old boy's family filed a lawsuit against the city of Stockton and four California police officers who "viciously beat" Carter, according to the family. Carter was pulled over by the cops for speeding on December 30, 2020 and footage from the incident showed an unidentified police officer forcibly pulling him out of his car, and pushed him on the ground in a "fetal position" before hitting him. A former Honolulu cop, John Rabago, was sentenced for four years in federal prison after forcing a homeless man to lick a public urinal while holding him down. Texan cop Matthew Luckhurst smeared dog poop on a piece of bread and put the "sandwich" in Styrofoam container in the guise of a half-eaten meal near a sleeping homeless man. He was able to keep his job but people on the Internet tore him apart for the sick act.
Wednesday night on MacDougal Street NYC, wish there was more to the video but that seemed a little excessive. pic.twitter.com/5Iir0VTnsV
— 🥀_Imposter_🕸️ (@Imposter_Edits) November 11, 2021
WorldStar.com posted a video of this incident on November 11. The video begins with a cop trying to handcuff a homeless man in the crowded neighborhood on McDougal Street. The man tried to get up by holding on to the cop's leg when another officer pushed him back to the ground. The officer who tried to handcuff him began to punch the man and stopped after he became motionless. The cop then stood back up, checked the hand he used to punch the man for injuries for a brief second before calling for backup. The 37-second video can be viewed here.
According to a Daily Mail report, homelessness in New York City has reached an all-time high since the Great Depression. Overflowing shelters have led to people resorting to make-shift encampments at various parts of the city including Tompkins Square Park, Times Square, as well as under bridges along the East River. The report further states that the number of single adults sleeping in municipal shelters has spiked by 103 percent in the past decade and the numbers soared after the pandemic, according to the New York Coalition for the Homeless. The coalition said there were 47,979 people sleeping in municipal shelters every night in August 2021. This number included 14,881 homeless children and 18,357 single adults.