What caused Montana train derailment? At least 3 dead, 50 injured in Amtrak mishap

A tragic accident in Joplin, Montana has killed three people and injured at least 50 more after an Amtrak train got derailed on Saturday, September 25, 2021. The derailment happened with the Empire Builder Amtrak train around 4 pm, with 146 passengers and 16 crew members on board. The train runs between Chicago and Seattle, covering a distance of nearly 2043 miles.
According to a statement released by Amtrak, "The train consisted of two locomotives and 10 cars, with seven of those cars derailing. Amtrak is working with the local authorities to transport injured passengers, and safely evacuate all other passengers." They have also launched an emergency hotline at 800-523-9101 for individuals who wish to inquire about their family and friends aboard. A similar incident of derailment happened in Texas in October 2020, when the train spilled chemicals near Mauriceville forcing hundreds of local residents to evacuate.
As per the latest update, the local authorities in Joplin are aiding in the rescue work to evacuate trapped passengers, many of whom are seriously injured. Many passengers and first responders have shared photos from the derailment site on social media, which shows the train cars tipped over haphazardly along a dirt road and fields.
Joplin is a small town in Liberty County, around three hours north of Helena. The town is populated by merely a few hundred people. The first responders from the area were dispatched to the accident zone and instructed to evacuate "a large amount of people trapped - or worse."
According to eyewitness Jeremiah Johnson, the responders used ladders and cut wires to free people. "We had to lift a few people out with lots of volunteers and then cut some out …There was one lady in the back whose legs were trapped and was unable to be removed without using a saw (to cut away seats.),” he added.
The exact cause of the derailment was not found, but a 'go-team' will be sent to the site by the National Transit Safety Board for investigating the cause of the same.
Updating on the Amtrak derailment, the authorities further informed, "As a result of the derailment, Empire Builder trains 7/27 and 8/28 originating on Saturday, Sept. 25, are cancelled between Minot, ND (MOT) and Shelby, MT (SBY). Additionally, on Sunday, Sept. 26, westbound Empire Builder train 7 will terminate in Minneapolis, MN (MSP), and eastbound Empire Builder train 8 will originate in Minneapolis, MN (MSP). No substitute transportation is available. Amtrak customers can contact us at 800-872-7245 to obtain additional information about the status of services."