Actor T.J Miller arrested for reporting a false bomb alarm to the FBI on purpose after getting drunk on the train

'Silicon Valley' actor T.J Miller is in a ton of legal trouble - the actor was taken into custody on Monday night at around 10 pm, reported TMZ, from LaGuardia Airport after giving false information to the FBI about an Amtrak bomb threat last month. He's been booked for pulling a fast one on the agency and looks like he's in hot water, though he was let go the next day, which cost him a $100,000 bond.
According to official documents, he reportedly called 911 emergency on March 18 while traveling from Washington D.C to New York on an Amtrak train and said that a female brunette co-passenger donning a scarf "has a bomb in her bag." After the authorities were connected, he told the Amtrak police officer that the woman was constantly checking her bag and appeared to want to get rid of it.
The police also questioned his mental stability at this point, to which he had reportedly said, "This is the first time I've ever made a call like this before. I am worried for everyone on that train. Someone has to check that lady out."

But here's the catch - after the call he gave the police the incorrect number of the train, as a result of which an altogether different train was unnecessarily halted, vacated and thoroughly examined in Connecticut that caused prolonged delays - 926 man hours, to be precise, in the train schedules. Not to mention cause unnecessary alarm to bomb squads and security authorities in both Connecticut and New York City. All the while, the actor was riding his train comfortably to New York.

The documents also reportedly stated that he had to be kicked off the train as he reached his destination because he was drunk. The attendant on the train reportedly said that he had 2 glasses of wine and 2 double scotch and soda mix and had "exchanged profanity" with a female passenger in the first class car. The attendant also reportedly did not know what Miller was talking about - and the passenger he had reportedly told the police that he was being uncouth and loud and commenting on her hairstyle.
She confirmed to having an argument with drunk Miller, after which the police figured that he was angry with the woman and wanted to get her in trouble, thus causing the bomb scare.