Who is Norbert Neumeister? Metadata expert says Amber Heard's bruising images were EDITED

Metadata expert Norbert "Bryan" Neumeister testified at the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial that he analyzed several of the actress' pictures and concluded that she rendered them in an editing program. He demonstrated that the software of the files was not from an iPhone and that the images were modified.
Talking about an image with a supposed bruise on Heard's arm, Neumeister said, "These photos will not digitally fingerprint with each other. There's no way to authenticate any photo in the way that the evidence was presented. All three of these photos had to go through some type of transformation to change sizes."
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Neumeister testifies he analyzed many iterations of this photo as part of his assignment. #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard @LawCrimeNetwork pic.twitter.com/MZ4plUhlE4
— Sierra Gillespie (@sierragillespie) May 25, 2022
Jurors are shown another demonstrative prepared by Neumeister. It shows the analytics of the photo.#JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard @LawCrimeNetwork pic.twitter.com/b2XvSamFs4
— Sierra Gillespie (@sierragillespie) May 25, 2022
Using Exif data analytics, he testified that there was "no way for any forensic expert to validate these photos" and that several photographs of Heard were modified. Neumeister added, "It's the exact same photograph that's once been edited, and once hasn't. The colors have been modified in an editor." Heard's legal team objected multiple times whenever any specifics were mentioned, cutting off the technicalities.
Who is Norbert Neumeister?
Norbert "Bryan" Neumeister is a forensic and metadata expert who has been working at USAForensic, LLC as the Chief Executive Officer for over 32 years. He began his career as a helicopter photographer in the 1980s and has formerly worked at KPNX-TV. As per Pimiso, Neumeister is an expert in analyzing images, cellphones, sound engineering, multimedia, photography, and microelectronics. He is reportedly a 39-time Emmy Award winner and has won gold for audio at the Cannes and Calgary film festivals.
Previously, Depp's attorney, Camille Vasquez accused Heard of editing her injury photos during cross-examination. Heard claimed that the two similar images were actually two separately taken photos with different lighting. But Vasquez pressed, "Isn't it true you just edited these photographs? And you just enhanced the saturation from one of these photos to make your face look more red." Internet users have also called out Heard for editing, cropping, and enhancing her photographs.
#JohnnyDepp's metadata expert claimed that #AmberHeard's photos were edited with software. @LawCrimeNetwork pic.twitter.com/ntNyIzdkqy
— Law&Crime Network (@LawCrimeNetwork) May 25, 2022
One user overlaid the photos on top of one another and tweeted, "Here's the evidence, overlay of both photos. Amber Heard edited her photos so her face would look red. #DeppVsHeard #JusticeForJohhnyDepp." Another wrote, "Amber Heard edited her “bruise” photos. Then she testified in court that they are not edited and completely different photos, that is a fat ass lie. #DeppHeardTrial #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #AmberHeardlsAnAbuser."
Here's the evidence, overlay of both photos.
— MintPrestine (@David_Horsemann) May 17, 2022
Amber Heard edited her photos so her face would look red.#DeppVsHeard#JusticeForJohhnyDepp pic.twitter.com/VNNciGhhHy
Amber Heard edited her “bruise” photos. Then she testified in court that they are not edited and completely different photos, that is a fat ass lie. #DeppHeardTrial #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #AmberHeardlsAnAbuser pic.twitter.com/002y4VClnB
— 🌟🏴☠️ (@GellertDepp) May 25, 2022
Another tweet read, "Amber Heard claims the difference between these is that they turned a light on. So Rocky apparently moved, turned on a light, and got the photo in the exact same place. That photo is edited, they are the same. She framed Johnny Depp #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #DeppHeardTrial." A fourth user added, "THIS is Simply insane, Amber Heard edited photos #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard #JohnnyDeppAmberHeardTrial #JusticeForJohnnyDepp."
Amber Heard claims the difference between these is that they turned a light on.
— 🌟🏴☠️ (@GellertDepp) May 16, 2022
So Rocky apparently moved, turned on a light and got the photo in the exact same place. That photo is edited, they are the same.
She framed Johnny Depp #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #DeppHeardTrial pic.twitter.com/4bBxnZf2QC
THIS is Simply insane, Amber Heard edited photos #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard #JohnnyDeppAmberHeardTrial #JusticeForJohnnyDepp pic.twitter.com/OY84YPP5KX
— FUCKING FAKE 🦍 (@nonloso1234893) May 25, 2022
Additionally, Heard made a verbal slip during her testimony, which instantly went viral. The 36-year-old actress said, "And then if you want to cover up a bruise, you obviously put foundation first, concealer, and then on top of that I use like a bruise kit." Heard quickly corrected herself and added, "Not a bruise kit, it's a theater makeup kit. A color correction kit, but I call it my bruise kit."
Apart from the 'bruise kit' slip that pointed toward Heard creating bruises using the bruise kit, people also slammed her for the order of makeup she had no clue about. Netizens called out the order of makeup products she described, which was incorrect, since any color correcting product is supposed to go beneath the foundation and concealer, not above them, as described by Heard.