'Love is Blind: Japan': Wataru takes a call on Midori, is she relieved or upset?

In Episode 3 of 'Love is Blind: Japan', Wataru finally makes up his mind regarding Midori. In all honesty, she really did seem to be hurt that he was being vague and sending across mixed signals.
While at their respective pods on the reality dating show, Midori tells Wataru that she made a compilation of notes, which includes all that she knows about him and questions she needs clarity for. Almost immediately, Wataru appreciates this gesture, noticing how much time and effort she put into getting to know the man better. Will this aspect be a deciding factor for Wataru? Read on to find out more on Netflix's latest talk of the town.
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One of Midori's non-negotiables, she mentions, is showing affection for one another. Her idea of a happy couple would be one where the two would kiss every day when they're grey and old. In hindsight, she mentioned that her parents would kiss every day before heading off to work, thereby setting the bar high for Midori to find a love like so.
Midori also says that she'd enjoy having easy conversations with her partner, similar experiences shared, and diversity. She's also curious to know if it's possible to fall in love with someone without ever having met them. Is that a hint?
Wataru on the other hand acknowledges how unreasonable and vague he was being with Midori regarding his feelings. She liked that he was being honest and taking accountability for his actions. Wataru admits that his true feelings are indeed for Midori, and the fact that she genuinely put in so much time for him really touched him deeply. Midori looks instantly relieved. So is she the one?
For their next date, Midori walks into the pod seeing a single red rose on the table. On the other side of the wall, a seemingly nervous Wataru decides to pop the big question, going down on one knee.
But wait, the tension hasn't ceased. Wataru is very nervous as to what his dream girl will think of him. When the two finally meet, they hug, as Midori tears up. She recalls how tough it was to keep waiting for him but is relieved tenfold now that she has seen Wataru in person.
'Love is Blind: Japan' was released on February 8, 2022, on Netflix.