'He should come clean': Joe Rogan shockingly accuses Dwayne Johnson of using STEROIDS

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In the midst of the Liver King controversy, long-time UFC commentator Joe Rogan leveled scathing accusations of steroid use against Hollywood superstar Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
The 55-year-old podcaster recently called out ‘The Rock’ and advised him to come clean during an episode of 'The Joe Rogan Experience' (JRE) podcast featuring Derek, the fitness educator who exposed Liver King. The UFC color commentator asserted that it is humanly impossible for the ‘Black Adam’ star to keep his size and shape at the age of 50.
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“The Rock should come clean right now,” the podcast host said. "He should make a video in response to the Liver King video like, ‘I need to talk to you because The Rock’s been lying. There’s not a f**king chance in hell he’s clean, not a chance in hell as big as The Rock is at 50. The point is you can’t even get there with HRT (hormone replacement therapy). That’s not HRT. He is so massive and he’s so different than he was when he was 30.”
Rogan added that he wasn't at all surprised when Liver King, whose real name is Brian Johnson, publically admitted that he is not natural and revealed he has been taking performance-enhancing substances to achieve his marvelous physique. “It completely makes sense but that’s exactly what I expected,” he said. “There’s no way you can look like that, in your 40s, that jacked, I mean he’s preposterously jacked.”
The Liver King aka Biran Johnson, 45, admitted in a YouTube video on Friday that he has done steroids in the past and is continuing to receive 0.6 milliliters of testosterone every week. "I never expected this kind of exposure in the public eye. It's been tricky as f*** to navigate. Well clearly I did it wrong, and I'm here now to set the record straight: Yes, I've done steroids, yes I am on steroids, monitored and managed by a trained hormone clinician," he revealed.
But unlike Liver King, Dwayne Johnson has always been transparent about his lifestyle, diet, and training pattern. The Rock told Men’s Health that he had been eating 6 meals a day to achieve the desired physique for his role in the latest superhero flick ‘Black Adam’. He had a "team of chefs and a strength and conditioning coach who figure out the precise macro count necessary to maintain his superhero physique." Apparently, the Rock kicks off the day with "eggs, a meat like a bison, a complex carb like oatmeal, and fruit, usually either papaya or blueberries."