Jeffrey Epstein's cellmate Bill Mersey reveals strange final hours of pedophile

Amid Ghislaine Maxwell’s current trial, new details emerged about Jeffrey Epstein’s final moments inside the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York. The disgraced financier’s cellmate Bill Mersey revealed that he was once seen with neck abrasions and ate his final meal off the floor before he took his own life. He also claimed that Epstein compared stocks to women.
The new information was given to Cindy Adams, a gossip columnist, and writer, by Mersey right after Epstein's death. But Adams has published this information only recently on The New York Post website that read, “If you didn’t want to kill yourself before, you would after a few days at MCC. Epstein was soft as a pillow and not prepared to handle this. He requested protective custody. He was scared and he did not get over it. Handling prison constantly occupied his mind. To sleep he’d place an orange prison sock over his eyes.”
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Mersey’s account continued, “Epstein was initially brought into general population, a residence he was in no way prepared to handle. He also complained about the laxative the prison gave him and asked them not to continue giving him what they were prescribing. Didn’t matter. It’s what they gave him. The prison was abuzz with our new felon. He talked finance, saying, ‘Stocks are like women. You have to study to see what makes them happy. Observe their reaction to international news. Then you can predict their movements and that’s how you win.’”
But the former prison inmate, who was behind bars for a year at MCC after pleading guilty to federal tax evasion for underreporting income from his escort advertising agency, mentioned the time when Epstein came to terms with his fate. He said, “One time he returned to our cell with neck abrasions. So did he try to hang up [prison lingo for committing suicide]? He wasn’t talking. He wouldn’t say. He struck me as depressed. Suicidal. He sat down on the bare floor, his back to his bunk, eating the prison food off a Styrofoam plate.”
When Mersey reportedly questioned him, “What the f - - k are you doing? Why you eating on the floor?” He said: “It’s just easier this way.” “As though he was somewhat resolved to his fate that night. He’d been denied bail and was facing the reality of the rest of his life behind bars. As usual, the conversation centered around his adapting to prison life. And he signed off around 10 pm to hit the hay. Then one night, another watcher reported hearing the sound of tearing sheets. Conclusion was Jeffrey had killed himself,” Mersey, who described himself as an 'inmate companion' to Epstein, in his statements to The Post.
Epstein killed himself on August 10, 2019. Speaking about that day, Mersey said: “That Saturday morning we were informed at wake-up that we’d be eating breakfast in our cells. We were locked down indefinitely. Jeffrey Epstein had killed himself a few hours before and the building was crawling with government agents. Assumption he had killed himself was reinforced when another inmate reported that in the wee hours he’d heard the sound of tearing sheets from Jeffrey’s cell in which he’d been left all alone after this bunky had been returned to general population. Nobody killed him. Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. No reason not to believe it. That Jeffrey Epstein killed himself I have no doubt.”