Will Bryan Kohberger be released? With no motive identified web sleuths debate possibilities

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MOSCOW, IDAHO: Moscow Police announced their first big break in the investigation into the murders of four University of Idaho students by arresting Bryan Christopher Kohberger. The suspect was not a student of the University but was a PhD student in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Washington State University, Pullman, which is a 15 minutes drive from the location of the crime. No motive for the murders was yet identified. He is currently held without bail and the Internet is now wondering whether there will be a trial or not.
Kohberger, 28, was apprehended by the Pennsylvania State Police early morning on Friday, December 30. Law enforcement explained that the DNA connected Kohberger to the crime scene. When the police knew their suspect, the FBI tailed Kohberger for days while the officials gathered enough to get probable cause and issue an arrest warrant. When that was achieved, Kohberger was arrested from a residential community in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He is being charged with four counts of murder in the first degree as well as felony burglary. People are now wondering whether Kohberger will get a death sentence or not as Idaho permits it. Idaho previously had three methods of execution - hanging, firing squad, and lethal injection. The State now allows execution only through lethal injection.
One user sparked the debate on Reddit about Kohberger's trial, writing, "I’ve heard many say that they hope there won’t be a trial at all, in hopes that BK will plead guilty and the families will be spared having to relive the details later on. However, even if he does, what does that mean for sentencing? I know that for the Parkland shooting there wasn’t a trial to prove guilt but rather to determine whether or not the death sentence would be imposed. And since Idaho allows the death penalty, I’m assuming this would be an instance where the death penalty will be sought. Is it possible to avoid a sentencing hearing of such depth if the death penalty is pursued?"
Will there be a trial for Bryan Kohberger?
One user said, "I am an attorney but not barred in Idaho. If he pleads, there will be a hearing with the recitation of the facts. This is a huge case so I imagine they will swear in LE, experts, etc. to testify. Not sure why there is someone who is alleging to be an attorney that there would be a trial to determine a sentenced. There wouldn’t be if he pleads. A judge would sentence him." Another user said, "If he fights the extradition then the trial probably won’t start until almost 2 years from now. Prob means he will delay and fight everything pre-trial."
One user anticipated that the defense lawyer will disrupt the trial by any choice and wrote, "Don't you feel like there will be a complete psycological (sic) examination to preclude insanity? I cannot imagine a def lawyer NOT asking for one." Another user said, "As an attorney myself - there will at the very least be a trial to determine punishment even if he pleads guilty (unless he accepts a plea for jail time, but I doubt they’d offer one)"
One user commented, "No way are the families not going to want the death penalty. No Prosecutor worth a crap will do that or offer that deal. No freaking way" Another user wrote, "Judges have a lot of leeway with sentencing hearings. IE the Judge in the Larry Nassar case allowed all accusers to make victim impact statements, not just the few he plead guilty to. Even if he waives his right to a jury trial and pleads guilty, a judge can (and should) ask to have all the evidence presented in order to make their decision on a sentence. I think there will be a full jury trial though. This guy sounds like it would be something he’d want to “experience.”"
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