‘I am Groot’ Ending Explained: Does Groot finally create his drawing?

Marvel’s highly-awaited fantasy adventure series ‘I am Groot’ has finally premiered all the five episodes on global streamer Disney +. The series has been helmed by Kirsten Lepore.
In the first five episodes of the series, we see an evolution of Groot (Vin Diesel) - from initially being embedded deep into his plant pot and fighting with the giant tree and other gadget creatures for his freedom to having different experiences ranging from fighting unique bubble-like creatures to save himself from bullets to fighting his fake imposter who has claimed his identity to also wanting to grow leaves on his body but failing at it; and then finally in the last episode of the series, the makers have introduced us to an important aspect of his personality and also a question whether Groot is finally able to become an artist.
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‘I am Groot’ Ending Explained
In the fifth episode, we see that Groot is determined to unleash his artistic streak after having experienced a varied journey in the previous 4 episodes. We see that Groot is totally firm and strong on his decision of wanting to become an artist. He is seen coming back to the place where he resides and quietly starts collecting all the important materials needed like scissors, paper, broken steel, purple soap, and also including his dear friend Rocket Raccoon’s soft furry tail hair that he cuts sneakily.
'I am Groot' Ending Explained: Does Groot finally become an artist or fails miserably at this attempt?
After gathering his material, he quietly goes to his room. There he feels really happy at his efforts and gets to work as well. Fans can see how excited and eager he is to draw the portrait featuring him and the Guardians by using his materials. But just like all his other endeavors so far, a huge fire explosion happens; but his friend Rocket Raccoon comes over to search for him and after finding him in that mess, he is very furious and angry.

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Raccoon (Bradley Cooper) sees that there’s a fire explosion thanks to Groot’s unusual experimentation, and which leads to all the things going wrong. Rocket feels tensed and worried for his best friend Groot. He then calms down and ends up asking Groot why he did what he did. Groot doesn’t answer him and keeps his silence, which infuriates Rocket even more. Then in order to appease him, the tree-seedling superhero makes a cute sad face. But even then Rocket doesn’t really calm down. Then he presents him with a drawing of himself alongside the Guardians, and looking at it Rocket feels really proud and glad. He adds that this should be put on a wall. Groot feels a bit happy at this praise from his friend. The finale also serves as a perfect set-up for a possible season two of this Marvel short series as it can explore the timeline and story of Groot after the drawing.
Overall, the series has shown us the story of Groot’s origin right from being a tree-seedling hero who eventually becomes a superhero that saves people from evil as he grows bigger. The series has given a perfect concoction of intriguing storyline along with well-etched characters coupled with excellent direction and breathtaking cinematography. Huge thumbs up here to the director for making this visually spectacular fantasy adventure look so aesthetically fabulous on screens that audiences and fans didn’t take away their attention from the series even for a single minute throughout. ‘I am Groot’ has presented a perfect mix of adventure, fantasy, topped with dramedy and totally brilliant storytelling, which makes this Marvel short series a sure shot winner that would also find its fanbase in kids as well.
‘I am Groot’ all episodes are streaming now on Disney +.