Horrifying video shows elderly woman, 74, punched by stranger in unprovoked daylight attack in NYC

MADISON SQUARE, NEW YORK: An elderly woman was knocked down by a stranger on Madison Avenue near East 52nd Street. A new disturbing video shared by NYPD showed an old lady getting punched in the side of her face and falling to the ground. The unprovoked act took place at 11 am, on Wednesday, August 24.
According to the New York Post, the suspect of the broad-daylight attack in Midtown was still on loose till Friday, August 26. The attack took place about two blocks from St Patrick’s Cathedral. In the video, it appears the woman pounced on the lady without saying a word. The victim landed near the curb after falling to the ground. The attacker in the video shared by NYPD appears to look back once as she fled from the scene.
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In the surveillance footage, the attacker, who is yet to be identified can be seen wearing her hair tied in a bun wearing a white hoodie and black shorts. She can also be seen carrying a duffel bag. In the video, the attacker can be seen rummaging through her bag as the elderly woman approaches and walks down the street.
As the elderly woman comes close to the attacker while passing her by, the latter quickly hangs the duffle bag off her arm and pulls a sucker punch on the lady hitting her on the cheek. An old man, who appears to be walking together with the lady swiftly turns around as the victim tries to hold on to him before hitting the ground. To much shock, the attacker then walks off as if nothing happened. According to the Daily News, the victim was taken to NYU Langone Hospital in Manhattan. She is said to be in stable condition. No arrests have been made in the case, so far. MEAWW will keep you posted.
The Daily News reported that the victim lives in Queens and told the cops that she had never seen the attacker before. According to the publication, the NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force is probing the case because the victim is Asian. The assault is not being considered a biased crime, as of now, because the attacker didn’t say anything when she pounced.
Midtown merchants chimed in after the incident telling the publication that they’ve been inundated by disturbed homeless people and petty thieves over the last year. “We gotta do something about all these people with mental issues outside,” said Eddie Peralta, who works nearby. She added, “It’s like this island is only gonna be for the rich people and crazy people.”
Another neighborhood employee shared, “Sometimes you get screamers around, but this block is usually quiet.” A local shopkeeper stated, “Every day there’s something. Someone just came in and took a bag from my window. It’s a terrible thing. New York is not safe. It’s a situation you can’t control unless you have security on every corner” concluding, “It’s a sad story.”