'Charmed' Season 2 Episode 4 'Deconstructing Harry' will see Macy and Mel team up with Abigael to hunt dark Harry

In last week's episode of the 'Charmed' reboot on The CW, we met Poppy Drayton's Abigael, a half-witch, half-demon who wanted to kill Macy. The only thing that stopped Macy from killing Abigael is the key piece of information that the latter revealed -- the demon assassin that looks like Harry was after her too.
While we know that Abigael cannot be trusted, she is here to stay as Poppy Drayton was announced as a series regular for this season of 'Charmed'. Fans of the show who also watched 'The Shannara Chronicles' would be pleased with the addition, but it may not be such a good thing for the Charmed Ones to keep Abigael around.
However, in this week's episode, Abigael tells the Charmed Ones and Harry that she has a clue to find the assassin and Macy insists on going with her. But, since the sisters now undoubtedly know of Abigael's dubious intentions, Mel will be going with Macy. In the promo below, we see the two sisters and Abigael walking through the woods, but get surprised by a large roar as Abigael warns them not to move.
Meanwhile, Maggie -- who last week got the promotion as an Assistant Manager at Safe Space, the shared workspace that houses the Elders' Command Center -- surely must feel bad about beating out Jordan for it. Jordan needed the additional pay to keep running the gym and after Maggie gets the promotion, he shuts it down. In this week's episode, we will see her reaching out to help Jordan, but we are not so sure that he will readily accept it.
Finally, it looks like Harry will discover a horrifying secret and since this week's episode is named after him, we're betting that it will be a major plotline, not just in the episode, but also in the season going forward. Many fans are already theorizing that dark Harry could have been created when Fiona gave back normal Harry his powers back in the last season, and we may get a confirmation of that in the upcoming episode.
'Charmed' airs on The CW on Friday nights.