Candace Owens tells people to ignore 'sophisticated elites' on Covid rules: 'Live your life'

Candace Owens is back at it again - voicing controversial opinions and ideas. This time, she is recommending Americans protest new Covid mandates and recommendations by ignoring the "elites" who make them and just live like they did before the pandemic hit.
On Monday's Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News, she pointed out many alleged examples of Democrat and left-wing media's hypocrisy regarding the pandemic and related restrictions and mandates. Owens began by mocking a New York Times reporter who apparently served as an apologist for the lack of masks and social distancing at former President Barack Obama’s 60th birthday party over the weekend.
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"That’s right. Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work but sophistication most certainly does," Owens began the interview. This drew laughter from Carlson. "So if you have a little dose of sophistication, you can do whatever you want in this country, actually."
"You don’t have to mask, you can see your relatives," she continued, adding, "I mean it is funny, it’s laughable, but it’s also just so frustrating." Owens then went on to say that Americans have every "right to be angry" at the hypocrisy shown by elites who preach that masks and social distancing will help decrease covid transmission, even for people who have been vaccinated for Covid-19, and then go on to ignore their own recommendations. Additionally, she went on to say that the country has endured "two years" of such restrictions "where people looked at people and said, 'Are you a person that wants to go see your loved one who passed away? Do you want to go attend their funeral? You’re a selfish human being. You want to watch your daughter get married? You’re a selfish human being if you don’t shut this down."
Owens added that she was pregnant during the initial lockdowns and suggested that she and her husband were scolded for wanting to share the experiences such as the "first ultrasound".
"You’re a selfish, backward human being. You’re ignoring the science, right?" Owens said, adding that Americans have been told such things "over and over again" and that such warnings were repeated by elitist academics and media personalities and channels. They "generally look over their balcony and they say whatever they want because they don’t live like us, Tucker. They don’t live like us. They don’t care," she said.
The conservative author speculated that Obama "had his media friends" to run the narrative that, after news of his initial 500-attendee party broke, he "scaled it down" even though hundreds of people still attended. "Because at the end of the day, I’m going to celebrate my 60th birthday party," Owens said on the show.
"That’s essentially what they said to people. This is a story of the haves and the have nots. The haves are laughing at the have nots as they continue to make these ‘Simon Says’ rules that everybody has to follow absent any meaningful scientific dialogue or discussion. It’s just, ‘Trust the science,’ blanket. Don’t question it or you’re a horrible, backward, selfish human being," she said.
Carlson then asked Owens how much longer she thought Americans would go along with participating "in their own humiliation". "I think they have to stop," she said. "It is really the time for civil disobedience here," especially after Obama’s well-publicized party.
"I wanna be very clear here so they don’t misinterpret my words," Owens explained. "When I say civil disobedience, I mean live your life. Have your daughter’s wedding. Stop listening to these people who don’t care about you, who tell you that you need to wear a mask on a plane while they fly around private and don’t know what it’s like to have to go through an airport and be treated like you’re a diseased individual. It’s time to stop listening to those individuals because they do not have go through what you go through” Owens added. “They’re laughing at you and mocking you behind closed doors and enjoying watching you suffer while they continue to live their lives.”
But there aren't many takers of Owen's speech. Many social media users pointed out how she herself is being a hypocrite by dragging some so-called elitism. "They dont live like "us". Girl you and Tucker arent us. Thank God," one wrote. Another user wrote, "Candace Owens husband, George Farmer net worth is estimated to be around $180 million. Tucker Carlson’s net worth is estimated to be roughly $30 million. Aren’t they the “haves”?"
""This is about the haves and the have nots," she says to the man who makes $6 million a year."
They dont live like "us". Girl you and Tucker arent us. Thank God.
— tanya sisson (@sisson_tanya) August 11, 2021
Candace Owens husband, George Farmer net worth is estimated to be around $180 million. Tucker Carlson’s net worth is estimated to be roughly $30 million. Aren’t they the “haves”?
— DACHELLE (@DACHELLEB) August 10, 2021
"This is about the haves and the have nots," she says to the man who makes $6 million a year.
— Matthew Welborn (@matthew_welborn) August 11, 2021
"How come you've never had this issue with trump Rally's? Or is this just more fake outrage to get attention. Or possibly you're just triggered by everything," one user wrote. Another added, "Wait, aren’t Tucker, Owens and Mr.Owens the sophisticated elite rich “haves”? How are Owens and mr Owens and Tucker even close to being “have nots”, give me a fucking break with this crap"
How come you've never had this issue with trump Rally's ? Or is this just more fake outrage to get attention. Or possibly you're just triggered by everything
— Buc Weisanheimer. (@AGhairypowter) August 10, 2021
Wait, aren’t Tucker, Owens and Mr.Owens the sophisticated elite rich “haves”? How are Owens and mr Owens and Tucker even close to being “have nots”, give me a fucking break with this crap
— moon cake candy flipping (@br0k3nhalos) August 10, 2021