'Black Adam' credits scene explained: Does Superman's cameo hint at a sequel?

Superman's cameo in the credits scene of 'Black Adam' asks two questions: Will there be a sequel where Dwayne Johnson's Teth-Adam returns? Or does it look like there's another sequel to Justice League that has an expansion with some new faces added to the mix? Not looking at Zack Snyder's cut, the DCEU's 'Man of Steel 2' makes it all the more interesting to see which direction the franchise is headed, and by the way, it's tying things together, there appears to be a sequel for 'Black Adam' that may introduce the anti-hero in the league of superheroes.
The credits scene sees Superman (Henry Cavill) arrive to have a chat with Adam, and while the conversation is cut short from thereon, there's no doubt that the movie has a sequel in the works, while also spawning multiple theories as to what the plotline could be. For starters, the inclusion of JSA in the movie suggests that the league will be seen again, and so will Cavill's Superman, who will exist in the same world as Black Adam. This was confirmed by the producers who also said the sequel would arrive faster than anticipated.
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Speaking to comicbook, producer Hiram Garcia teased, ""Our vision is, what we really want to establish is Superman exists in the same world as Black Adam," Garcia said. "Both those guys exist in the same universe and that's important for us. It's in the universe where our JSA is and so forth. But we really wanted the world to know that these guys are going to cross paths and how we do it, we're still working on it. We don't want to give that away. But I will say that it's much bigger than what people think."
This would mean that there would be more of Superman in the sequel should the movie follow the same template as 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' which saw Ben Affleck and Cavill square off against each other, which eventually leads to the latter's death after he sacrifices himself to save the world from Doomsday. Rest assured, the DCEU will not kill Superman again, but will surely pit him against a being who can go toe-to-toe with him anday.
'Black Adam' is now playing in theaters near you.