'Billions' Season 6 Episode 5: Who is Toney Goins' Philip Charyn? Meet Mike Prince's latest recruit

If it was Kate Sacker who joined team Mike Prince in a shocking turn of events, 'Billions' Season 6 Episode 5 throws another surprise in the form of a new player in the billionaire's side. Philip Charyn (Toney Goins) is the latest entrant to join Mike Prince Capital (MPC) is somewhat of a math whiz ready to give some of the former Axe Cap employees a run for their money. With the New York Olympics being Prince's big dream this season, he's on a quest to fill his team with the brightest of minds in the city and Charyn fits the bill perfectly.
Goins plays the character in the Showtime drama and fans will remember him from Tom Holland's 'Cherry' as Benji. He's also best known for playing Ronnie Baxter in ABC's 'For Life'. The Philadelphia native will be seen in a recurring role in 'Billions' Season 6 starting from his debut in 'Rock in Eye'.
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Who is Goins' Philip Charyn in 'Billions' Season 6?
Charyn is introduced as a teacher in a plush charter school and is described as somewhat of a genius in the finance market circuit. He's also Roger Scooter Dunbar's (Daniel Breaker) nephew who the latters hates to have working at MPC. He's also seen as one of the best employees quietly going about his business and Prince hopes that his strategic and tactical acumen rubs off on the other folks as well.
However, Scooter hates the guts of his nephew and confronts Prince about bringing him onboard. The boss man says he was the best that a headhunter offered him when he was looking at someone to lift heavy load on his shoulders to help. By the end of the episode, he was also seen paired up with Victor and Dhruv Maheshwari's Tuk Lala. What Charyn brings to the table is fearless and cold-blooded efficiency in his trading — a new direction that the team looks to take.
'Billions' Season 6 airs Sunday nights at 9 pm ET on Showtime.