Who is Ariel Dale? TikToker alleges American Airlines misplaced her 2 cats on LA to NYC flight

A woman has alleged that while shifting her cats from Los Angeles to New York City on an American Airlines cargo plane, she almost lost them because of the company’s negligence. Ariel Dale has provided detailed information about the whole situation on her TikTok account, where she initially wrote, “American Airlines lost my cats, no one can tell me where they are.”
Dale, whose username is @arieldale, first shared a video of her crying at John F Kennedy International Airport while a text message accused the airlines of losing her two cats. The clip also played Elton John’s 'I Think I’m Going to Kill Myself' in the background. She captioned the video: “This is actually my worst nightmare. They’ve already been in the kennel for over 14 hours [because] their flight was canceled.”
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Who is Ariel Dale?
After Dale posted her first video on Sunday, August 1, which garnered more than 3.1 million views, several people poured their support for her. There were many who also asked for details, like how this happened and if she was able to get her pets back. The woman then shared three videos on TikTok on Monday, August 2, explaining the whole fiasco and how she finally got her cats back.
In the first video, Dale said that while moving to New York City from Los Angeles, she had to put her cats on a cargo plane. She said that the first red flag was when she was given the wrong location to drop her cats off and due to this, she almost missed her own flight. “I made it to my flight with like two minutes to spare,” she noted. Dale also mentioned that when her flight was about to take off, she was informed that the flight of the cats had been delayed, then canceled, and ultimately rebooked.
The second video showed Dale saying the cats’ second flight also got delayed. As she reached New York City, she was asked to contact an agent from American Airlines, who told her the pets were doing fine and they were “being well taken care of”. Eventually, she got an email with an address from where she had to pick up her cats. Dale said as per the instructions, she reached terminal 4, but got to know it was the wrong information. She then went to terminal 8 but was told they did not know anything about her cats.
However, in part three of the video, Dale said that she eventually got her cats back and like her, they were also stressed out. “This whole situation is just bad,” Dale said, who in an emailed statement to Daily Dot stated that American Airlines was “awful from start to finish”. She added: “While I understand mistakes happen, the bare minimum American could have done was apologize. I paid over $700 for the safe transportation of my cats and have not received an apology, explanation, or offer of compensation.”
Dale also said that she has been asked to file a claim online and is expected to get a response within 15 days. “Thankfully my cats are home safe now but we are all traumatized from the experience. We are grateful for the love and support from people online,” she remarked.