'I've never assaulted any partner': Amber Heard loses it after Camille Vasquez brings up Tasya van Ree

Johnny Depp's legal team concluded the cross-examination of Amber Heard after two exhausting days. Camille Vasquez, Depp's lawyer, completed her cross-examination by bringing up allegations that Heard had assaulted her ex-girlfriend Tasya van Ree in 2009. Heard was arrested after two police allegedly saw her smack van Ree in the arm and take her jewelry off but the charges were swiftly dropped.
"Johnny Depp isn't the only partner of yours that you've assaulted," Vasquez stated. Heard, who seemed angry, answered: "I've never assaulted any partner. I've never assaulted Mr. Depp or any other person I was romantically linked to, ever." "No further questions, your Honor," Vasquez concluded the two days of cross-examination.
Johnny Depp fans praise Camille Vasquez for 'crushing' Amber Heard over donations: ‘IT'S OVER'
Camille Vasquez final question on cross examination 👑💫“So Mr.Depp is not the only Domestic Partner you’ve assaulted is he, Miss Heard?” #JohnnyDepp #AmberHeard #JohnnyDeppvsAmberHeard pic.twitter.com/82tA59derA
— Jeannie (@jeanniebrichett) May 17, 2022

Vasquez had previously questioned Heard on why James Franco paid her a visit in her Los Angeles penthouse in May 2016, the day after the violent altercation with Depp that ended their marriage. The court previously heard that Depp was envious of Franco and suspected Heard of having an affair with him. The jury was given video of Franco and Heard in the apartment building's elevator.
"You knew that Mr. Depp was out of town May 22, 2016, didn't you?" Vasquez inquired of Heard, noting that the visit took place the day after she had changed the locks. Heard responded, "I didn't know his schedule."
Heard recalled of Franco, "He was my friend and he lived quite literally next door. I'd exhausted my support network and I was happy to welcome as much friendship as I could possibly get." Elaine Bredehoft, Heard's lawyer, questioned her about building CCTV footage that showed her in the elevator with Franco shortly before 11 pm that night. In the video, he is seen affectionately placing his head on Heard's shoulder.
Heard stated, "After seeing my face put his head on my shoulder. He touched the side of my face too." Depp allegedly tossed a phone at her the night before, leaving a bruise on her cheek, according to Heard. Franco 'touched the side of my face and responded to what he saw,' she told the court.
CCTV video shown of James Franco getting in the elevator with #AmberHeard the night after the fight at the penthouse when police were called. #JohnnyDepp pic.twitter.com/jBm3GwdbWL
— Cathy Russon (@cathyrusson) May 17, 2022