Amber Heard grilled in court over 'FRESH-FACED' images after Johnny Depp's alleged assaults

Johnny Depp's legal team interrogated Amber Heard about images of her looking fresh-faced during public appearances after reportedly being beaten up by Depp. During the cross-examination, Depp's attorney Camille Vasquez pressed Heard over many instances in which she claims Depp assaulted her.
A clip of Heard's appearance on 'The Late Late Show with James Corden' in December 2015, with no obvious marks or bruises on her face, was submitted to the court. Heard earlier testified that she felt she was going to be dead the night before the appearance when Depp reportedly headbutted her and attempted to suffocate her with a pillow. She claimed she was left with two black eyes, a fractured nose, and a damaged lip when Depp allegedly punched her. For her appearance on the show, Heard's make-up crew had to work around the wounds and apply 'super heavy, red matte lipstick' to disguise her wounded lip, she told the court.
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In her testimony, she stated: "I got worried that I wouldn't be able to hide the bruising and swelling. I iced it all night and the next day checked in the mirror to see if I could get away with it, meaning hiding it, so I could make an appearance. I gambled and thought maybe I could pull it off, I had my hair and makeup team come. They worked around it, meaning worked around the lesions on my head with the hair spray because that stings. They worked around the bruising by covering it with heavy makeup, heavier makeup than normal bruise covering makeup."
"I remember my lip was still bleeding and swollen so we did this really thick super heavy matte red lipstick and I remember very well at the time that we had no choice in color, and that was one of my favorite colors to wear. On this occasion we had no choice because we had to hide my busted lip," the statement concluded.
Vasqeuz inquired about another incident in Russia in June 2013, when Heard said Depp smacked her across the face. Depp was in the country promoting 'The Lone Ranger' at the time. Vasquez asked Heard if she could see any injuries on her face after the court was shown a photo of the former pair at a movie event. Heard said that she couldn't.
Heard had even claimed that Depp beat her up again the night of the Met Gala in 2014, leaving her with a broken nose, according to Vasquez. The next night, she was photographed at an event honoring comic Don Rickles and showed no signs of damage. "You should see what it looked like under the makeup," Heard said in court. She also stated that Depp "did whack me in the face and I did think it broke my nose" after seeing another shot of her with no evidence of injuries.
Pictures of Heard wearing a backless dress at the Tokyo premiere of Depp's film 'Mortdecai' in 2015 were also shown to the court. Heard had previously alleged that Depp had assaulted her, but she confessed that there were no apparent marks on the images.
Heard had already detailed the incident in their hotel room in her testimony. She said: "I managed to get out of his grasp to take a few steps and went into the closet. By the time I made it in he had me by the hair. It felt like he was wailing me in a sloppy way and wrestled me to the floor. I didn't have a fair shot, I was walking away from him. I didn't see it coming he wrestled me down to the ground. He was really screaming, loud. I remember trying to get up and him wrestling me down and he put his knee on my back and I had this struggle with him and I look at him and he's still got his glasses on. I remember thinking he looked like he hadn't been through anything."
Vasquez questioned Heard about how photographs of her damaged face ended up on the cover of People magazine after she filed for a restraining order in May 2016. Heard stated that she did not give them to the magazine 'personally.' Vasquez cynically inquired if this was Heard 'protecting' Depp, as she had previously stated. Heard said: "This is him calling me a liar and me having to prove it." She went on to say that she only handed the photos to her lawyers and representatives, not to People magazine.