Amanda Wern: Phoenix woman loses unborn baby in horrifying crash by drunk driver who showed no remorse

GROVERS AVENUE, PHOENIX: A Phoenix family is morning the loss of their unborn baby who was killed by an alleged drunk driver, who showed no remorse and fled the scene. Devasted Amanda Wern who was seven months pregnant, was excited to be a first-time mom after suffering through a miscarriage 13 years ago. However, the mom-to-be's dreams were shattered in a blink of an eye by 39-year-old Leslie Yeager.
The tragic car crash occurred near 9th St and Grovers Avenue in Phoenix. Wern claimed she had been avoiding the intersection for over a week, even though it’s just a mile from where she lives. The mother claims she is now left with a painful reminder of her son for whom she "bought a bunch of baby stuff already and had plans,” she said.
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Who is Amanda Wern?
The Phoneix woman was excited to be a first-time mom after claiming “It’s hard because I had a miscarriage 13 years ago and then me and my fiancé we’ve been trying and we haven’t been able to get pregnant and finally do and end up losing him.” On the ill-fated day of March 19, she and friends were on the way home when drunk Yeager struck their vehicle. “She pleaded with the lady to call the cops and she refused to and took off. Told her I was pregnant and she didn’t care,” Wern said. However, disgraced Yeager was arrested by cops after a witness followed her to a 7-Eleven half a mile from where the crash happened.
What happened to Amanda Wern?
After the horrifying crash, Wern says she does not recollect much except for delivering her lifeless baby. “They told me on my way to the hospital that he had passed away,” Wern said. “I just remember being in the delivery room and pushing him out and not heard him cry,” reported Arizona's Family. “He was supposed to be due May 2, that’s what’s going to be hard and that’s when it’s going to hit me the hardest. Some mornings I wake myself up crying. I’ve had dreams that I’ve had him,” she mourned.
It's been over a week and Wern is struck with grief saying her alleged bruises and marks constantly remind her of the sorrowful mishap. She said she misses the kicking feeling of her baby and is now only left with the child's memories. Although what made Wern's blood boil more after she released her alleged assailant was released and bailed out even after facing several charges and manslaughter.
“It was when I got the letter in the mail about her being released and bailing herself out that’s when I became mad. It’s when I became angry. A woman that killed an unborn child and has no remorse and just let her out. Pays cash and she’s out,” Wern said. During the 39-year-old's arrest, the drunk woman is said to have hit an officer and at one point she said she wanted to punch the man in the face and kill him. Wern's family has also opened a GoFundMe to help them with their hospital bills, and funeral expenses.