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'A Gentleman in Moscow' Review: Ewan McGregor's must-watch performance is the driving force of Paramount+ show

'A Gentleman in Moscow' is the screen adaptation of the novel of the same name by Amor Towles
UPDATED MAY 18, 2024
Ewan McGregor's performance in 'A Gentleman in Moscow' is captivating (@showtime)
Ewan McGregor's performance in 'A Gentleman in Moscow' is captivating (@showtime)

MOSCOW, RUSSIA: The final episode of 'A Gentleman in Moscow,' titled 'Adieu,' was officially released on Paramount+ with Showtime on Friday, May 17, 2024.

The series transports viewers to a world reshaped by the turbulent aftermath of the Russian Revolution, where Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov (Ewan McGregor) finds himself exiled to an attic room within the grand confines of the Metropol Hotel in Moscow, Russia.

Set against the backdrop of the Russian Revolution, the series masterfully captures the essence of the era, immersing viewers in the opulence of the Hotel Metropol and the sweeping changes occurring outside its walls.

'A Gentleman in Moscow' is based on the critically acclaimed 2016 novel of the same name by Amor Towles.

While Rostov and his decades-long house arrest at the Metropol Hotel are fictional creations of Towles, the setting where these events take place is a real hotel.

Despite the bulk of the series unfolding within the walls of the Metropol Hotel, each episode introduces fresh elements that keep the narrative engaging and the visuals captivating.

Ewan McGregor breathes life into Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov in 'A Gentleman in Moscow'

Ewan McGregor as Alexander Rostov in the official trailer screengrab (Youtube/@SHOWTIME)
Ewan McGregor as Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@showtime)

Throughout the series, Ewan McGregor's subtly expressive performance is captivating, drawing viewers into Rostov's world in the Metropol Hotel.

McGregor's performance offers viewers insight into the depth of Rostov's struggle to uphold his outward charm and grace amid personal and societal upheaval.

McGregor's comic timing in the series is also noteworthy, adding a layer of light-heartedness to the character of Rostov even amid adversity. His skillful balance of humor with the series' serious themes is truly exceptional.

Despite living in challenging times, Rostov's character finds moments to crack jokes and laugh, even when others are not inclined to do so.

Even though McGregor is a remarkable actor, his distinctive mustache often steals the spotlight in the series. Whether engaged in witty banter or navigating the complexities of life under house arrest, Rostov's mustache remains a constant presence. 

In the series, McGregor's character undergoes a profound transformation as he is stripped of his wealth and rights.

McGregor successfully captures the complexities of Rostov's journey, transitioning from a man of privilege to one who must discover meaning and purpose in a drastically altered world within the Metropol.

McGregor's on-screen chemistry with Mary Elizabeth Winstead in 'A Gentleman in Moscow' is remarkable, possibly enhanced by their real-life partnership.

Count Alexander Rostov and Anna Urbanova in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' Episode 3 (@showtime)
Ewan McGregor as Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov and Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Anna Urbanova in a still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@showtime)

Undoubtedly, McGregor and Winstead's real-life connection enhances their on-screen chemistry in the series, enabling them to effortlessly portray the romance.

Throughout the eight-episode series, the sneaky romance between McGregor and Winstead's characters provides a fresh and engaging touch amid the serious themes of the narrative.

'A Gentleman in Moscow' dazzles with its meticulously crafted settings

Official poster for 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@Paramount+)
One of the most notable features of 'A Gentleman in Moscow' is its careful focus on the Metropol Hotel  (@showtime)

One of the standout aspects of the series is its meticulous attention to historical detail, particularly its focus on the iconic Metropol Hotel.

From the costumes to the set designs, every aspect of the series works together to transport viewers back to the world of post-revolutionary Russia.

In 'A Gentleman in Moscow,' the Metropol Hotel serves as more than just a backdrop; it becomes a character in its own right, with each setting within it having its unique ambiance.

From the ornate lobby to the cozy rooms, every detail of the hotel immerses viewers, making them feel as though they've stepped back in time and are experiencing life at the Metropol Hotel alongside the characters.

A still from 'A Gentleman in Moscow' (@Showtime)
'A Gentleman in Moscow' shines in its meticulous depiction of the Metropol Hotel (@showtime)

Despite its strengths, 'A Gentleman in Moscow' is not without its flaws. One area where the series falters is in its pacing, which can be uneven at times.

Some scenes feel rushed or underdeveloped, while others linger too long, causing the narrative to drag at times.

While the Metropol Hotel is a vibrant setting with many different areas to explore, there are moments where the series relies too heavily on certain locations, leading to a sense of repetition.

Overall, 'A Gentleman in Moscow' is a well-crafted series that offers a unique and immersive viewing experience within the confines of Metropol Hotel. 

Whether you're a fan of the novel 'A Gentleman in Moscow' or simply enjoy well-crafted period dramas, this series is sure to captivate and entertain you.

'A Gentleman in Moscow' trailer