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5 ways The Boys’s most controversial character may die in Season 5

This controversial character may finally meet his end in 'The Boys' Season 5 and here are 5 reasons how it might pan out
'The Boys' Season 5 will bring the long-standing and deadly rivalry between Butcher and Homelander to a dramatic conclusion (@primevideo)
'The Boys' Season 5 will bring the long-standing and deadly rivalry between Butcher and Homelander to a dramatic conclusion (@primevideo)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Since the very first season of 'The Boys', Billy Butcher has had one clear mission: to take down Homelander, the most powerful and dangerous superhero in the world. Butcher, along with the other characters, believes that getting rid of Homelander is essential for the greater good of humanity—and even for the other superheroes. Homelander’s reign of terror must end. But how do you stop someone as strong and evil as Homelander?

'The Boys' Season 5 to bring the long-standing and deadly rivalry between Butcher and Homelander to a dramatic conclusion. Both are poised to leave nothing but destruction in their wake. Whether it’s Butcher or Homelander who dies, there are still several ways Homelander’s end could come about, putting a stop to his tyranny once and for all, and here are 5 of them.

All the superheroes may team up to face Homelander together in 'The Boys' Season 5

Dominique McElligott in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Dominique McElligott in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

In 'The Boys', very few superheroes dare to take on Homelander face-to-face. It would be almost certain death because he’s just too powerful. But that’s where the heroes are wrong. If they stopped focusing on their public image and acting careers and instead teamed up, they might stand a real chance of defeating him and putting an end to his tyrannical reign.

However, superheroes in this world are mostly selfish, making it difficult to envision them rising against Homelander, even though he has harmed their kind as well. Heroes like Queen Maeve, Starlight, and Soldier Boy have come close to beating him before. With more of them joining forces, they might finally have a shot at winning.

Ryan finally might decide to kill his father in 'The Boys' Season 5 

Crovetti mirrored Anthony Starr's unsettling portrayal of Homelander, capturing a similar ominous gleam in Ryan's eyes in 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
A still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

Right now, no one is stronger than Homelander. However, that may not last forever. His son, Ryan, possesses all the same powers as his father. The difference is, that Ryan has grown up with a better sense of right and wrong, learning that he should use his strength to help those who are weaker. Despite Homelander’s attempts to distort this belief, Ryan still clings to it.

Ryan has the potential to become the world’s first truly good and powerful superhero. He might even be the one to finally take down his father. It would be fitting if, after everything, Ryan was the one to stand up to Homelander and end his reign of terror. He’s probably the only one who can.

Homelander might meet his end because of The Supe Virus in 'The Boys' Season 5 

In addition to his unsettling fixation on maternal figures, Homelander's peculiar obsession with milk introduces yet another layer of complexity to his character (@primevideo)
A still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

Compound V is the source of all the pain and trouble for Billy Butcher. However, he now has a genuine opportunity to effect change. Butcher has tracked down the person who created a virus for Vought that specifically targets superheroes with Compound V in their blood. This virus could be strong enough to take down Homelander, making it a top priority for Butcher.

The super virus that can kill those with Compound V is set to play a significant role in the story, but how and when it will come into play remains a mystery. Would it be satisfying to see Homelander finally brought down by a virus, or would there be a better way for this wicked hero to meet his end?

Homelander might get killed by a clone in 'The Boys' Season 5 

Black Noir in a still from 'The Boys' Season 4 (@primevideo)
Black Noir in a still from 'The Boys' Season 4 (@primevideo)

Fans of 'The Boys' comic know that Homelander meets his end at the hands of his clone, Black Noir. However, the Amazon Prime series has made it clear that they aren’t taking that route. Still, it wouldn’t be surprising if they kept that twist for later. After all, Homelander was made using Soldier Boy’s DNA, so why wouldn’t they consider replicating that success? It seems unwise for Vought not to have a backup plan for dealing with Homelander. A secret clone could be in the works, especially one designed specifically to take out Homelander if he ever went too far—which he has by now.

Homelander might commit suicide in 'The Boys' Season 5 

Homelander in a still from 'The Boys' Season 4 Episode 4 (@primevideo)
Homelander in a still from 'The Boys' Season 4 Episode 4 (@primevideo)

At his core, Homelander is a sensitive and fragile individual. Over the years, his desperate need for approval has revealed his weaknesses, making him appear vulnerable. Whether it's his struggles with intelligence the pressure of expectations, or simply feeling like he’s not good enough, there are many reasons why Homelander’s mind has cracked.

It wouldn’t be surprising if Homelander decided to live by his own rules, believing he can do whatever he wants. If the world turns against him, he might choose to fly off into space and see how long it takes for the emptiness of the universe to consume him.

'The Boys' Season 4 trailer