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'The Boys': All members of The Seven who are expected to die in Season 4

'The Boys' reveals the harsh truth about power, corruption, and true heroism in a dark, gritty world where most heroes quickly meet their fate
While Homelander might survive Season 4's brutality, Queen Maeve's fate may be much darker (@primeVideo/@janthijs)
While Homelander might survive Season 4's brutality, Queen Maeve's fate may be much darker (@primeVideo/@janthijs)

Contains spoilers and speculation for 'The Boys'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In 'The Boys', The Seven initially establishes itself as the most powerful superhero team. However, as the story progresses, many of its members untimely die.

The original comic by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson is different from the TV show, which changes some of the heroes to look like ones from 'Justice League' or 'Avengers'.

Even though they are portrayed differently, the endings for The Seven are consistent. Some of the most powerful heroes, such as Homelander, do not survive. This surprises fans who believe these characters are invincible.

'The Boys' shows the harsh truth about power, corruption, and what it means to be a hero in its dark and gritty world. On that note, let's take a look at All members of The Seven who  are expected to die in Season 4

Queen Maeve

Dominique McElligott as Queen Maeve in a still from 'The Boys' (PrimeVideo/@jaspersavage)
Dominique McElligott as Queen Maeve in a still from 'The Boys' (@primeVideo/@jaspersavage)

In 'The Boys' Season 3 Finale, Queen Maeve faced a near-death experience while sacrificing herself for others. She survived the ordeal but lost all her powers when exposed to Soldier Boy's radiation-infused blast.

If Homelander discovers she's still alive, he may hunt her down to settle scores, knowing she's defenseless now.

While Season 3 appeared to conclude Maeve's story on a positive note, the show's unpredictability suggests that she could make a surprising return in Season 4, with her fate taking a surprising turn.


Jessie T. Usher in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Jessie T.Usher in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

In 'The Boys', A-Train's survival through two heart attacks has become a recurring joke. By the end of Season 3, he receives Blue Hawk's heart, ruling out cardiac issues as a future cause of death.

However, A-Train's increasing concern over Homelander's actions suggests that he might align with Billy Butcher and his team in Season 4, seeking redemption.

This alliance could also make him a target for Homelander, who despises betrayal.


Starlight gets into a physical alteration with Firecracker, bleeding her in the process in 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Starlight gets into a physical altercation with Firecracker, bleeding her in the process in 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

In 'The Boys' Season 4, Firecracker joins The Seven, recruited by Sister Sage to oppose Starlight. Firecracker harbors a personal vendetta against Starlight from childhood bullying incidents.

She has already provoked Starlight by revealing private abortion records in Episode 4, 'Wisdom of the Ages', leading to a brutal public confrontation where Starlight nearly beats her to death.

Given her relentless pursuit to expose Starlight, Firecracker's actions may lead to her death in 'The Boys' Season 4.

'The Boys' trailer


4 episodes of 'The Boys' are now streaming on Prime Video.