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Here's how 'Queen Charlotte' on Netflix fits into 'Bridgerton' timeline

Ahead of the release of 'Bridgerton' Season 3 Part 2, check out whether you need to watch the spin-off series titled 'Queen Charlotte'
'Queen Charlotte' is a spin-off  Netflix's series 'Bridgerton' released in 2023 (@netflix)
'Queen Charlotte' is a spin-off Netflix's series 'Bridgerton' released in 2023 (@netflix)

Contains spoilers for 'Bridgerton' and 'Queen Charlotte'

LONDON, ENGLAND: 'Bridgerton' is one of the most loved series on Netflix. With three seasons and a spin-off, the romance drama takes viewers to an alternate Regency era, focusing on London high society searching for love.

If you haven't watched the series yet, it's a good time to have a binging spree as Part 2 of Season 3 drops on Netflix on June 13, 2024. Part 1 of the latest season streamed on May 16 and left viewers craving for more.

The series also has a spin-off series focused on Queen Charlotte (Golda Rosheuvel). Titled 'Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story', the limited series was released in May 2023 and we suggest you to watch it before starting 'Bridgerton' Season 3.

What is 'Queen Charlotte' all about?

Neil Edmond, Michelle Fairley, and Richard Cunningham in 'Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story' (Netflix/@liamdaniel)
Neil Edmond, Michelle Fairley, and Richard Cunningham in 'Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story' (Netflix/@liamdaniel)

'Queen Charlotte', streaming on Netflix, brings the spotlight on Queen Charlotte, a supporting character in 'Bridgerton'. The six-episodic series has two timelines. One begins in 1761 with 17-year-old Charlotte meeting and marrying King George III of England (Corey Mylchreest).

The series further explores their marriage and how she takes up the reigns of the kingdom after she discovers her husband's mental health issues, leading to his inability to rule.

As we gain an insight into how she became the face of monarchy, we are also introduced to present-day timeline.

Where does 'Queen Charlotte' fit in 'Bridgerton' timeline?

Ruth Gemmell as Violet Bridgerton in a still from 'Bridgerton' (@netflix)
Ruth Gemmell as Violet Bridgerton in a still from 'Bridgerton' (@netflix)

'Queen Charlotte' fits somewhere between 'Bridgerton' Season 2 and 3.

The events in'Queen Charlotte' Episodes 2 and 5 suggest that the events take place months after the end of 'Bridgerton' Season 2.

As Queen Charlotte, sits for tea with Lady Violet Bridgerton (Ruth Gemmell) and Lady Agatha Danbury (Adjoa Andoh), she asks Violet about how she managed to arrange the marriage of her two children in two years.

This gives us a clear indication that 'Queen Charlotte' is placed after 'Bridgerton' Season 2 where Anthony marries Kate.

The spin-off also subtly hints the upcoming events in ‘Bridgerton’ which is why you must watch it before binging Season 3.

In the spin-off, Lady Agatha's plot focuses on her traumatic marriage and her fight for Black representation in high society. Her painful marriage made her determined to stay a widow, shaping her role as a "molder of society," as Violet calls her.

Agatha's control over her life mirrors Queen Charlotte's, leading to a secret affair with Violet's father. By the series' end, Violet finds a clue to this affair, hinting at brewing drama in their friendship in Season 3.

This tension arises just as Violet meets Agatha's brother in 'Bridgerton' Season 3: Part 1, and it underscores Violet's readiness for new romance.

How to stream 'Queen Charlotte'?

India Amarteifio in 'Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story' (Netflix/@liamdaniel)
India Amarteifio in 'Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story' (Netflix/@liamdaniel)

'Queen Charlotte', created by Shonda Rhimes, consists of six episodes with a runtime of approximately an hour for each.

The series is currently available to stream on Netflix.

'Queen Charlotte' trailer