‘Your Honor’ Finale Episode 10 Spoilers: Why was Robin having an affair? Here's the mystery behind ‘missing scene’

Dark, suspenseful music plays as the last episode of ‘Your Honor’ begins. “I had to tell him, Michael,” Elizabeth Guthrie (Margo Martindale) says. “Did you, Elizabeth? She can't explain what she was doing f**king a stranger,” Michael Desiato (Bryan Cranston) blatantly retorts. Adam Desiato (Hunter Doohan), meanwhile, sits at a riverside as his phone vibrates.
There are no answers to some questions. The question Showtime's ‘Your Honor’ leaves in your mind is one of those. Inspired by the Israeli series ‘Kvodo’, Showtime's crime drama revolves around a game of lies, deceit and impossible choices after the son of a dangerous criminal dies. The final scene seems to be touching chords on social media but one question remains unaddressed. Why was Robin's affair introduced in the series?

As the episode continues, Adam is miserable. To cheer him up, Michael says, “Thousands of things your Mom was. So many wonderful things. One mistake shouldn't define who you are.” He continues how Robin told him she was pregnant with him when they got married. “I was so happy. I hugged her tight, I cracked her rib.” Michael hugs Adam and the latter pretends his ribs have been cracked in a heartwarming scene.
That was the only part of Robin's affair in the final episode. An agitated Reddit fan posted after watching it: “WHAT THE F**K DID THEY BRING UP ROBINS AFFAIR FOR? HOW DID IT DO ANYTHING TO OR FOR THE STORY?” A lot of fans agreed with him and bashed the loose ends in the storyline.

One confused fan said, “Wait. Was there actually an affair? I thought that whole thing was a lie by Cranston to look at footage? I must have missed something. Anyway, the show got too unbelievably complicated as far as lies and cover-ups go and ended stupid as hell anyway.”
Trying to make sense of the plot, one posted, “What if the reason for that was to highlight Michael’s decision not to tell Adam to protect him. Which was eventually used as a parallel to Jimmy’s decision to not tell his daughter that her boyfriend killed her brother. Both of them decided to not tell their child the dark past of their love ones to protect them. We don’t know what Jimmy’s plan for Adam was, but maybe the hug at the end symbolized his plans to accept him due to his daughter’s love for him. I could be way off on this but just a thought.”

Moreover, many eagle-eyed fans also pointed out a missing scene from the show.
“In the previously on Your Honor intro part of Episode 9, they show a scene where Costello and Michael's mother-in-law are looking at pictures of the wifes work and notice a stranger in the photo and come to realize Michael's wife was having an affair. That scene was never in any episode and was just put in the intro to episode 9. Check out episode 9 thread and that's the main talking point of what a mess it was,” one write
Another commented, “That’s just bad writing. It’s not realistic in anyway. If 2-3 of those things happened they would be ‘aha’ moments. Collectively they are just overwhelming. Would have been better as a comedy, then you can stretch the limits of belief.”

Written by Jennifer Cacicio, the season finale aired on February 14, 2021, but it will be available for Showtime App owners ahead of its linear premiere on Showtime Channel. With a total of 10 episodes, the limited series was created to end with one season but going by the fan craze, the makers might just decide to renew it for another part.
You can catch the show on Showtime’s official website, SHO OnDemand, and on the Showtime App. With a total of 10 episodes, the limited series was created to end with one season but going by the fan craze, the makers might just decide to renew it for another part.