‘Bandit’ the rescue dog from Ohio found with days-old bullet wound in head is on road to recovery

YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO: An abused dog who was found by a man in Mahoning County, is recovering at a significant pace. According to the Mahoning County Dog Pound, the dog has made quite an improvement since he was first discovered on Saturday, September 24, by his rescuer hiding in his shed. The man had immediately reported about ‘Bandit’, the name given by him, to Youngstown Police Department, which then reached out to the rescue team.
The dog was found to be starving and dehydrated by the rescuers who also noticed an unhealed bullet wound on his head. Megan Zarlenga of non-profit animal rescue group, Friends of Fido, wrote on Facebook, as they also work closely with Mahoning County Dog Pound, “It feels like our county has lost all sense of humanity. This is all getting to be just too much to deal with day in and day out! Our staff, the veterinarians who take care of these dogs, Friends Of Fido MCDP volunteers, the people who follow this page and support what we do……how much more can we take? Evil can not win!”
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The veterinarians discovered that the bullet wound was several days old and it looked like that the bullet went through the soft tissue on the back of the dog's head and out the side of the neck. They have also noticed a considerable improvement in his health and is responding to care at the hospital, since he was found weak and malnourished, weighing only around 35 pounds.The post further said, "They have him on IV fluids and are treating him for infection; he is very, very emaciated."
Zarlenga added on social media, "Imagine how cold he was last night with absolutely no body fat to keep him warm. He was likely curled up in a tight ball in that shed ... freezing, starving, and in horrible pain ... all alone in the dark. I can't imagine his fear of him. Death from infection, starvation or a human ... that was his future."
Meanwhile, the non-profit group also updated that Bandit, has also been diagnosed with Lyme disease and Nystagmus, and the bullet fragments stuck inside Bandit from his earlier injury will require extra attention before they are removed. Zarlenga, in her latest Facebook update on the dog’s health condition wrote, “Bandit went to the vet yesterday and has spent the night. He will likely remain there for a while.”