'Skinny, smelly, mange-ridden': Seven terrified labrador puppies found abandoned roadside get rescued by stray dog service

SWALE, KENT: Seven malnourished puppies, aged between 10-12 weeks old, were found abandoned by the side of a road. The golden labrador puppies, infected with mange and unclipped claws were so hungry that they had started eating woodchip in their box. The litter of six males and one female were described as "skinny, smelly, mange-ridden" and "too terrified to even leave the crate" by Swale Borough Council's Stray Dog Service.
The rescuers believe the underweight labradors were also so terrified they did not want to leave the crate they were in on the A249 in Swale, Kent. A staff member at the service said "Puppies should be tiny whirlwinds full of confidence and energy, but these guys are so nervous. Even with the crate door open, all of them were too frightened to move. Their little claws are so sharp and long, we wonder if they've ever left the crate at all. This is animal cruelty and outright neglect."
They then added, "These pups didn’t ask to be born and they certainly didn’t deserve to be dumped like rubbish. Sadly, with the current pet crisis, we feel this is just the tip of the iceberg." A couple who found the pups took them in for the night before contacting the council the next day. They are now with Karebear kennels in Boxley, Kent, until they are rehomed. According to Daily Mail, online users have speculated if the litters were abandoned by a breeder following a drop in puppy sales after lockdown.
Curly Sue O'Flanaghan posted "Whoever dumped these gorgeous pups are Absolutely vile! These poor babies have done nothing wrong and yet treated like this." ThirteenthWolf wrote "Clearly puppy farmed pups. Something really needs to be done about these greeders. Have you thought to check selling sites? Maybe they couldn't sell them so dumped the poor little mites." Barbara Lee added "Unfortunately another litter of puppies that have been bred but no homes found... During lockdown, everyone wanted puppies, now they're back at work."
After their first vet's appointment, the little pups are set to have their first and "much-awaited" bath. The female was described as the smallest and shyest of the seven labradors, weighing just half of what she should. They were vaccinated at Bobbing Hill Veterinary Surgery in Sittingbourne. "We're so proud of our babies for being big and brave whilst at the vets today," said Swale Borough Council's Stray Dog Service. "Our little miss was the smallest weighing in at just 4kg, but don't be fooled, her teeth are just as sharp has her brothers. All pups have also now been treated for fleas and worms. They're off for a good wash before coming home for some tea and a big nap." The dog warden also thanked Leanne, of Paw Prints Groomers, for volunteering to groom the 10-week-old pups free of charge.
Anyone with information on the owner or who dumped the pups is asked to call Swale Borough Council on 01795 417850.