Yes or no? Internet divided as woman asks neighbor to quieten her 'scream crying' baby or move rooms

If you’ve been annoyed by screaming babies in the recent times, you are not alone. In a recent Reddit post on the 'AITA' forum, a 28-year-old woman shared the story of how she had been too bothered by her neighbors’ baby’s cries on a day when she was working from home and had gotten screamed at by the baby’s mother for addressing the issue with her. As expected, in a sensitive issue like this, the responses were mixed from those in the comments section, with some blaming the mother for unnecessarily blowing up and some blaming the woman for perhaps not being understanding enough.
“The baby, because it’s a baby cries a lot, but it’s nearly constantly crying and sometimes scream crying nearly all day. And I mean all day! I put up with this most of the time and wear headphones a-lot, aside from that I work 2 days a week from home,” the person wrote, adding, “I work in the back bedroom upstairs as it’s the only room I don’t get any road noise in, which by the sounds of it is also the baby’s room on the other side of the wall. It cries so loudly I can hear it like it’s in the room with me, and clients and colleagues can hear it crying though my headphones and I’m getting lots of comments from people about it. It’s also very distracting for me to try and work with."
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‘Called me entitled and selfish’
“Yesterday after work I knocked on the door to explain what was happening and asked if it was at all possible that if the baby can’t be calmed down to move them to a different room for a bit, because of the noise etc. I was very polite about it and apologetic,” the woman said. She emphasized on the fact that she requested the mother and did not make any demand.
“Well the mother exploded at me, swore at me, called me entitled and selfish and that I had no idea what it was like to be a mother and how hard it was, and she said she left the baby upstairs so she could go down and have a break from it’s crying. Then slammed the door in my face,” she further wrote.
Redditors divided on the matter
“No, absolutely not. The mother exploding at OP was NOT ok. OP is not this persons punching bag, OP politely asked for them to do something about excessive noise disrupting OPs homelife and worklife,” a Redditor wrote,
Another user had backed up this opinion, saying, “NTA. It’s possible to be sympathetic to the situation and still ask the parents if there is anything they can do to keep the crying baby away from the part of the house where you are working. And that’s what you did.”
Another redditor, however took the mother’s side, asking the poster to show some empathy. “Forgive me, I think you're looking at this in a different light than I am. The lady reacted that you called her a bad mother because her baby's crying all the time. What I hear and the new mother say that she's at her wits end and doesn't know how to stop her baby crying so she moves her away from her to give herself some peace and quiet. This mom needs help from her spouse, friends, family or even her doctor to see why the baby is crying so long so often. She reacted to the accusation.”
Taking a neutral atnd, a user wrote, “No-one is the AH here. We all want to have a peaceful life and feel comfortable in our own homes. Equally babies can be tricky especially during teething etc and will cry themselves to sleep. The thing to remember is that kids grow up and will make even more noise. I would recommend sound proofing your walls, if the noise becomes more problematic.” Another user, “Yeah maybe ask the landlord if sound proofing is something they'd be willing to do.”
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