The Masked Singer's Jenny McCarthy problem: Judge's past controversies spark calls for removal
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: One thing's for sure as 'The Masked Singer' continues to entertain millions with its unique costumes and surprising unmaskings: the presence of Jenny McCarthy on the judging panel seems out of kilter with the show's all-in-good-fun, family-friendly vibe. While that bubbly personality and pop culture knowledge may seem good for the slot on surface value, that controversial past-especially her dangerous anti-vaccine advocacy-clouds her position. It's time now for FOX to seriously contemplate her replacement.
McCarthy's loud stance against vaccines is not another celebrity faux pas; it has had real-world repercussions. By propagating the disproven claim that vaccines cause autism, she added to vaccine hesitancy-a public health crisis that continues to create unnecessary suffering and death. On the strongest level of influence, parents everywhere opted out of life-saving vaccinations for their children based on misinformation.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, in which vaccines are of most importance, past actions by McCarthy seem even more reckless and harmful than they might have appeared at the time. How can a show predicated on bringing families together continue to employ someone who has perpetuated such dangerous rhetoric? Her ongoing presence might give a wrong message to viewers at this particular time when public trust in science and medicine is of greater importance than ever.
Beyond the anti-vaccination stance, McCarthy has built her career on making crass and inappropriate comments. Some of those off-color jokes might have been shrugged off in a different era; in today's climate of accountability, they feel out of place on a show as wholesomely inclusive and family-oriented as 'The Masked Singer'. Sometimes, she tends to go towards shock value humor that brings in some pretty awkward moments that don't quite gel with the tone of the show.
Keeping McCarthy on the judging panel implies that FOX is willing to turn a blind eye to harmful behavior in the name of entertainment. At a time when networks are being held to higher ethical standards, McCarthy's past controversies risk damaging the reputation of 'The Masked Singer.' The show's loyal audience is beginning to question why someone with such a controversial history continues to have a platform on a major network. Replacing McCarthy would be more than just a pander to please the critics; this would prove that 'The Masked Singer' is indeed a show that listens to its audience and takes its responsibility seriously. A fresh face with a clean record and positive public image could bring much-needed rejuvenation to the panel and help regrow it in a direction more fitting for modern times.
And although everyone deserves a second chance, her controversies are too big and damaging to look over. If 'The Masked Singer' is to remain a staple in family-friendly entertainment, then FOX is well past due in replacing Jenny McCarthy and filling her spot with someone who actually represents both the show and the audience it serves.
Jenny McCarthy's anti-vaccine stance became her biggest controversy
One of the most overriding and controversial issues of Jenny McCarthy's undoubtedly is her anti-vaccine stance. It all started during the late 2000s when, in public, she supported the claim that vaccines, most especially the MMR-autism-linked vaccine, cause autism. She believed that the reason her son had autism was because of the vaccines; thus, she became one of the leading figures in the anti-vaccine movement.
At the time, McCarthy used her platform to give misinformation, appearing on talk shows and writing books manufacturing fears around vaccines. She said that in vaccines, there were toxic elements, such as mercury, responsible for the growing cases of autism. The message grasped somewhat the population of parents, and because of her celebrity status, her opinions grabbed enormous attention.
The problem is that all these claims were scientifically denounced. The initial study that assumed the link between vaccination and autism had been retracted and was discredited, scientific studies since then have proven that vaccines are safe and they have nothing to do with autism. But still, this stance of McCarthy added to the growing vaccine skepticism movement wherein some parents decidedly avoided vaccinating their children.
While McCarthy has attempted to revise and backtrack from the description "anti-vaccine" since then, the damage was done, and any efforts to repair it are nearly impossible. What has remained is her association with vaccine misinformation, one of the biggest stains on her public image.

Jenny McCarthy is the only judge from 'The Masked Singer' panel with sexual assault allegations
In 1998, Jenny McCarthy accused actor Steven Seagal of sexual misconduct during an audition for his film 'Under Siege 2'. McCarthy, at the time was new in the industry, alleged that during the audition Seagal asked her to remove her clothes even though the role had no nudity.
McCarthy says she refused, informing him that her agent had assured her there would be no nudity on set. To which, Seagal allegedly replied that he needed to make sure she wasn't hiding anything underneath her outfit. McCarthy ran from the audition, in tears and highly distraught over what just had happened. She has spoken in interviews throughout the years about it being a minor example of predatory behavior that she and many other women in Hollywood have faced.
However, despite this, Jenny was accused of assaulting Justin Bieber. One resurfaced clip from the 2012 American Music Awards has the public outraged once more at her actions against the then 18-year-old Bieber. The video showed McCarthy being very aggressive toward Bieber, grasping his neck and even kissing the back of his neck as he visibly squirmed and tried to get away from her.
The viewers felt she did not respect personal space and took advantage of Bieber's uncomfortable reactions with her inappropriate and unsolicited touches. The video has sparked claims that McCarthy was not only disrespecting Bieber's personal space but also promoting unsettling social norms regarding consent.