Dakota Johnson stood her ground after Ellen made a weird joke about her outfit: "Do you need a..."
Ellen DeGeneres faced backlash from fans after making comments about Dakota Johnson’s outfit during an interview. The conversation quickly turned awkward when DeGeneres questioned Johnson’s wardrobe choice, leaving the actress visibly uncomfortable. During the interview, DeGeneres asked, "Did you try that on before? Do you need a blanket or anything?" Johnson, caught off guard, simply responded, "Um, sorry."
DeGeneres then took it a step further by placing tissues on Johnson’s legs. Throughout the conversation, Johnson played along and humorously continued adding tissues to her lap. DeGeneres later commented that Johnson’s fake tattoo was the least of her worries, given the outfit, saying, "That's the least of your concerns right now, is that tattoo." She then passed a remark saying, "That is a mighty tight outfit for someone who's pregnant." She then claimed, "Well, this is Thursday. But on Monday, it came out that you were pregnant." Fans, however, didn’t find the exchange funny and were quick to defend Johnson in the YouTube video's comments section. One viewer wrote, "Okay, let's be real though, her comments about Dakota's skirt were uncalled for. If a male talk show host was as pointed about her skirt, everyone would flip." Another added, "I felt so sorry for Dakota in this video. She's obviously uncomfortable from the very beginning."
Fans were also upset when DeGeneres brought up Johnson’s private relationship with Chris Martin. Johnson has always preferred to keep her personal life out of the spotlight, but DeGeneres pushed the topic anyway. A fan remarked, "I really like how Chris and Dakota protect their relationship. She always asks to not be asked about him. Of course Ellen is someone who would ask anyways, but they just really did a good job for a year until the pregnancy rumors, which were how most of the world found out about the relationship. But anyways, I wish them the best!"
While this exchange was uncomfortable, it wasn’t the most awkward moment between the two. Their most famous clash came when DeGeneres joked about not being invited to Johnson’s birthday, only for Johnson to call her out on live television. Johnson said, "Last time I was on the show last year, you gave me a bunch of s**t about not inviting you, but I didn't even know you wanted to be invited... I didn't even know you liked me!" ** DeGeneres realized she had forgotten about the invitation and was visibly embarrassed, as reported by Lad Bible. Fans, once again, took Johnson’s side. One person commented, "It’s not just that Ellen didn’t go, but she tried to shift the blame to Dakota by saying, ‘I wasn’t invited’ to make her look like the bad guy. Next time, Ellen, just sit there and eat your food."
Johnson’s honesty also made headlines during an interview with Jimmy Fallon, where she had to clarify her comment about sleeping for 14 hours. She explained, "I don’t, like, demand it. I’m not a monster. I have a job. Why is sleep bad? Like, why? Leave me alone! I’m just asleep!" She added, "I don't have to take anything to sleep like that either. I can just sleep like that. I think if I took like an Ambien, I'd wake up next year." In a previous Wall Street Journal interview, Johnson had already expressed how much she valued sleep. She said, "I don’t have a regular (wake-up) time. It depends on what’s happening in my life. If I’m not working, if I have a day off on a Monday, then I will sleep as long as I can. Sleep is my number one priority in life."