Who owns Grub Truck? Joseph Woodall's video key in timeline of University of Idaho massacre

MOSCOW, IDAHO: The livestream of the late-night food truck, Grub Truck, indicated the final hangout of two University of Idaho massacre victims, Madison Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves, as they ordered $10 worth of carbonara from Grub Truckers and waited about 10 minutes for their food. The video is key evidence in setting the correct timeline of the attack.
Joseph Woodall, 26, who manages the food truck, claimed that the duo appeared to have been there between 1.30 am and 1.40 am, reported NBC. Meanwhile, the girls appeared to walk toward the truck from the other side of the street when they arrived. However, the duo was later on joined by a mystery man.
Around 1.53 am, the girls were seen walking away in one direction, leaving the young man speaking with others at the truck, reported Daily Mail. While speaking of the mystery man, one of the victims, Kaylee Goncalves’ sister Alivea said, “Yeah, I think a lot of people were curious about that person, We were able to identify him and as far as I know he has cooperated with the police. And that’s all that I know about that." She added, "The footage was a little frustrating but again there are so many agencies involved, I can’t say I necessarily blame them."
Who owns Grub Tuck?
John Fletcher is the owner of Grub Truck. This food truck has become one of the major night spots of Moscow. In an earlier interview with Daily News, the owner said, "One of my friends was talking about food trucks and it kind of put the idea in my head, Oh, well I can build something out by myself in three or four months, maybe six months, It took two years and two months, I think, by the time I was finished with it."
Fletcher is a veteran in the service industry and has worked in restaurants across the country. The owner also runs another food business, Picabu, on South Hill in Spokane since 2005 with his sister and is still going strong. While talking about the food truck, he has also added, "In general, it's not very difficult, it's just kind of deciding what my favorite foods are and trying to make the best version of it that I can." The truck starts working at 11 pm and winds up till the last customer goes off on the 500 block of South Main Street in Moscow on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.
The truck also has a lot of delicious dishes on its menu including, Five-Cheese Mac, Mac of the Week, Berry Nutella Cheesecake Burrito etc. According to edible Idaho, he was also popular for bringing Twitch platform to his business. Through this, Fletcher has tried to stream customer experiences to the public by placing two cameras inside his truck and two cameras outside to stream customer interactions. Theough these streaming they have also earned good contribution from food lovers across the globe. The outlet claims that on an average, viewers donate roughly $1,000 to Grub Truck’s Twitch, either via Bitcoin or PayPal. At an estimated $7 per meal, that’s nearly 142 free burritos a month.