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Who is Mark Robinson's wife? N Carolina Lt Guv calls homosexuality 'filth' in old video

Robinson said, 'There's no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality -- any of that filth'
Mark Robinson is married to Yolanda Robinson (markrobinson/ Instagram)
Mark Robinson is married to Yolanda Robinson (markrobinson/ Instagram)

North Carolina's Lt Gov Mark Robinson is facing calls to resign after an old video of him referring to LGBTQ+ people as filth resurfaced on the Internet this week. The Republican said, "There's no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality -- any of that filth." He was speaking at the Asbury Baptist Church in Seagrove, North Carolina in June. The footage appeared on the Twitter account of Right Wing Watch on October 5. According to RWW's website, they're "dedicated to monitoring and exposing the activities and rhetoric of right-wing activists and organizations in order to expose their extreme agenda."

"It is flat-out child abuse. They take your children, and tell them they have to attend school, don't have a choice. And then some of them will tell them they don't want you to have a choice where they go to school, you have to send your children here to school. Then when they get there, what do they teach them? Teach them a bunch of stuff about how to hate America, teach them a bunch of stuff about why they are racist, teach them a bunch of stuff about transgenderism and homosexuality," Robinson says in the video. "I'm saying this now, and I've been saying it, and I don't care who likes it -- those issues have no place in the school. There's no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality -- any of that filth. And yes, I called it filth, and if you don't like it that I called it filth -- come see me and I'll explain it to you," Robinson added. 


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Who is Lt Governor Mark Robinson's wife?

In an interview with the Political Couple, Robinson revealed his wife Yolanda is the first woman he ever dated with who he didn't argue. Talking about how they met, the politician said, "One of my best friends was dating my wife’s cousin. One day, I went with him to drop her off and Yolanda was there. Her cousin introduced us and shortly after we started dating. Yolanda was the first woman I ever dated that I didn’t argue with." Yolanda graduated from the University of North Carolina Greensboro where she earned a bachelors and masters degree in accounting. She and Robinson together own and operate a nonprofit organization that helps to ensure that children in licensed daycare centers and homes receive healthy and nutritious meals across the state of North Carolina. 

"She was the first woman that I had ever met who was a person first and a woman second. She viewed life from the perspective of right and wrong. Also, she likes sports more than I do. She would watch snails race if she could. She loves football, basketball, baseball, golf, tennis, and Nascar. She pretty much likes it all," he added. Robinson and Yolanda have been married for over 3 decades and live in Greensboro with their two kids and two grandkids. On being asked if politics affected their marriage, Yolanda said, "The only way it has affected our marriage is that we are not able to spend as much time as we are used to. Since he is running statewide he travels almost every day, which makes scheduling difficult. We adjust and make adjustments."

Mark Robinson's office clarifies his comments

"Topics surrounding transgenderism and homosexuality should be discussed at home and not in public education," his office said. "We must focus on reading, writing and mathematics in North Carolina. Our students have struggled with these topics even before the pandemic. Our primary focus needs to be helping our students succeed, not on topics that should be discussed at home."

Robinson said he wasn't talking about equality in terms of sexual orientation. "We are not talking about the fight for equality, and if those people want to challenge me on that, that's fine," he said. "What I'm talking about are intimate details and, yes, there is material out there that shares intimate details about homosexuality, about sexuality in general, to our students. That has got to stop."