Who is DC Universe's most tragic hero with a powerful and unique origin story?

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: If we have learned anything from reading comic books or watching our favorite superheroes, the one thing we have learned is that their origin story is what makes them who they are, and fuels their purpose in their lives. DC holds the place for some of our favorite superheroes and while their good deeds are something that makes them a superhero, their origin story should also be something that must be cherished. From Superman to Wonder Woman and Batman to The Flash, these superheroes have memorable origin stories, but one DC superhero stands out completely as his story is something that will surely make you snivel.
In 'Batman/Superman: World's Finest #13' by Mark Waid and Dan Mora, Metamorpho has been confirmed to have the most tragic origin story by Superman in the comics, when he shares the story of Rex Mason aka Metamorpho to Jimmy Olsen.
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Tragedy makes a hero

Superhero origins happen when they try to take their past experiences and stop them from happening in the future. For Batman and Green Lantern, it is seeing their parents die, and for Superman, it was losing an entire world and culture in the blink of an eye. But, Metamorpho's origin story is a layered mess of unfortunate events that made him a superhero. Firstly Rex was sentenced to death by Simon Stagg, a wealthy socialite whose daughter Rex Mason was in love with. Secondly, Mason was put through a harsh and painful transformation that literally broke down his body and gave him the powers of shape-shifting, after coming across a meteor that was the reason for his transformation.
After that, Metamorpho got the ability to transmute his body into a wide variety of elemental compounds. Originally, he was limited to elements that were naturally found in the human body. After the transformation, Rex wanted to end it all, but his powers refused to give up on him and prevented him from committing suicide. In all of this, Sapphire was by his side and helped him become the superhero he is now, while also the couple keeping their love alive. And he was able to work through his experience and become one of the most underappreciated heroes in the DC Universe.
Most underrated superhero
While it is not a competition on who has the most tragic origin story, it seems quite surprising that Rex Mason had one of the most unfortunate stories of all that nobody is aware of, except for hardcore comic fans. Rex Mason's transformation story into Metamorpho deserves to be created into a movie, to better reach the audience and narrate the story about one of the most underrated superheroes of DC.