When will 'Roswell, New Mexico' Season 3 return? Here's what lies ahead for Max and Alex

If there is an alien show you need to watch, The CW's 'Roswell, New Mexico' is definitely it. Although super confusing at times, the ability of the series to touch on many social dilemmas such as immigration and feminism never fails to bring much-needed representation to the small screen. Here is all we know about the upcoming greenlit Season 3 of the series.
Where we left off
In the Season 2 finale of one of The CW's most acclaimed shows titled 'Mr. Jones', many loose ends of the narrative were tied up much to the relief of many fans. We saw Liz Oretcho (Jeanine Mason) manage to defuse the bomb console that was on stage at CrashCon with the help of Isobel Evans (Lily Cowles). Rosa was able to help Max Evans (Nathan Parsons) back to life while Kyle Valenti (Michael Trevino) took the hurt Flint Manes (Kiowa Gordon). Not to mention Gregory shot Jesse Manes (Trevor St John) telling Alex Manes (Tyler Blackburn) that he should have protected Alex from him a long time ago. So now, there are only three Manes men that remain - Flint, Gregory, and Alex.
The fans were also taken far back in time where Michael Guerin's (Michael Vlamis) mother Louise (Cassandra Jean Amell), Isobel Evan's (Lily Cowles) mother Nora (Kayla Ewell), and Maria DeLuca's (Heather Hemmens) grandmother Patricia, revealed an anticipated story. We had reported on the entire unraveling of the intense finale, and you can read it here.
A quick summary:
- Maria and Michael break up, so there might be hope for the #Malex (Michael and Alex) shippers.
- Max Evans (Nathan Parsons) asks Isobel and Michael to help him find a tunnel in the desert; Max at this point had taken a whole vial of an antidote that helps bring back his memory. They end up finding a pod in a tunnel and when they opened it, it revealed what looks to be Max's evil twin greeting them with a 'howdy partner.' This was the cliffhanger of the Season 2 finale.
- Kyle Valenti (Michael Trevino) and Steph (Justina Adorno) can finally be a couple because Liz Oretcho (Jeanine Mason) helped heal Steph with the magic of science
- Charlie Cameron comes back from hiding, reuniting with her sister Jenna Cameron (Riley Voelkel)
- Max loses his cool and sets Liz's years of research material ablaze after he finds out that Diego, Liz's ex-fiance was on his way there with what would be Liz's new boss at a job that she was wanting to accept in California. Of course, Liz and Max break up and she sets on a journey to Cali alone.
What we'd like to see
The Season 2 finale definitely has set up enough of a foundation for what we assume will be an amazing Season 3. Even though in July, it was reported that co-showrunner and creator Carina Adly MacKenzie will be leaving the series, she had reportedly teased material for Season 3 saying, “We’ll dig into Max’s destiny, and also what the future holds for Michael and Isobel, too. I think there’s been a lot of talk of Max as this central figure and as this inherent leader. But we’re also going to ask questions about where that leaves Michael and Isobel, and their role in the future of this planet and of different planets too.”
She also teased a bit more for the #Malex shippers, she said, “I think that Alex has never really had the opportunity to just casually date, especially in a space where he feels safe, and he feels proud of who he is. And so we’re excited for next season – Forrest is going to definitely be a part of Alex’s journey." She further added, "The thing that I really like about the end of the season is that Michael started this year saying that hope is the worst thing in the world; hope is the thing that hurts you the most. At the end of this season, he says that he needs to end his story with Alex because maybe there’s a new story for the two of them to start down the line. And I think that’s the most hopeful that we’ve seen Michael in a really long time. So we’ll be telling a slightly lighter love story next season for Alex.”
Since the official synopsis of Season 3 is yet to be released - especially under slightly new leadership - we can only go with what that minds behind the show have revealed. We would definitely except the narrative of 'Mr. Jones' to be the center of attention though. Who is the guy that Max, Isobel, and Michael find at the end of the Season 2 finale?
When is it returning
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many productions have taken a hit when it comes to releasing dates. As of now, there is no fixed release date for 'Roswell, New Mexico' Season 3 but we would assume that we could see it's premiere earliest in the month of May or June, but most likely the spring of 2021. The article will be updated as soon as The CW releases the date of the season's premiere.