What is third-degree assault? Late Adriana Kuch's violent bullies could face 5 years in prison

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BERKELEY, NEW JERSEY: Adriana Kuch is a 14-year-old girl who died by suicide on Friday, February 3 due to constant bullying by a group of girls. The suicide occurred two days after a video of Kuch getting beaten up by the girls surfaced on social media. Three girls from the group are slapped with third-degree assault charges while the fourth has been charged with disorderly conduct.
In the video that was shared online, several students could be seen attacking the 14-year-old with a water bottle as she walked along the school hallway with her boyfriend. All the bullies are currently suspended from Central Regional High School in Bayville.

What is third-degree assault?
Most of the felony criminal offenses involve third-degree assault under New Jersey Law. "There is a jail term of up to five years and a fine that can reach $15,000, among other penalties, that can be imposed for a third-degree crime under N.J.S.A. 2C:43-1. Under the New Jersey Criminal Law," claims Passai County Criminal Lawyers. Different types of offenses fall under third-degree assault, such as Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Aggravated Assault (significant bodily injury) which means "a physical encounter results in serious injury or involves a protected victim such as a police officer, the situation can result in an aggravated assault charge," as per the outlet. Shoplifting can also be another type of offense. It can be defined as, "An individual can be charged with shoplifting under N.J.S.A. 2C:20-11 in Clifton or any other town in the state based on a wide variety of acts including: Taking possession or removing merchandise from a store, concealing merchandise in a pocket book, shopping bag, etc.; or changing, switching or altering price tags. Where the full retail value of the merchandise is less than two hundred dollars ($200), the alleged violation grades as a Disorderly Persons Offense," as per the outlet.
Other offenses that come under third-degree assault could be 'Endangering the Welfare of a Child' as well as 'Burglary'. Under Burglary, the following can be considered an offense. "If someone enters a research facility, structure, or a separately secured or occupied portion thereof unless the structure was at the time open to the public or the actor is licensed or privileged to enter;" or "Surreptitiously remains in a research facility, structure, or a separately secured or occupied portion thereof knowing that he is not licensed or privileged to do so; or," and "Trespasses in or upon utility company property where public notice prohibiting trespass is given by conspicuous posting, or fencing or other enclosure manifestly designed to exclude intruders."
What are the claims of Michael Kuch, father of Adriana Kuch?
In Facebook Post, Michael Kuch claimed, "Please read captions under each photo. I feel like I have to do everyone's job. These platforms do not allow the videos to be publicly posted (which I feel is correct). These 4 girls planned and executed an attack. If you watch the videos I have, they are laughing while talking about what they are going to do at the start of the video. I have tagged each photo with a description proving that the offenders made 3 videos. I only have 2. I do not have the video made by K."
Further, he added, "I received the first Video the day this happened because my daughter was tagged in it and she brought it to me (they used this video to make fun of her online) believe me I called everyone and no action was taken by anyone. The second video was given to me by someone who reached out to me online. initially, I was told K. was trying to break up the fight. also, I was never told that she was smashed in the face with a bottle 3x. also, I was never told my daughter blacked out, and all they did was take her to the school nurse. the school did not even file a police report. they told me that was not their policy. so I had to take my daughter covered in blood to the local police station. if the school contacted the police and filed a report and conducted an investigation, these videos could have been discovered immediately. if these idiots would not have been dumb enough to post this trash online, Ar. would have received a 10 day suspension, and the other 3 would have gotten away with no consequences. I want the entire world to know what these animals did to my daughter. I will not sleep until their family has to watch them stand in front of a judge and plead guilty."
He concluded by stating, "Some people may think I am making a D**k move. all I am doing is cataloging a video that they posted online. not me. Do not go out looking for attention then cry when you get way to much. my wife and I are receiving private phone calls to our phones and people are hanging up. Just so you know, I daydream that someone is dumb enough to come to my home and start s**t."