Two-pound pilar cyst to bicep bump, the biggest pops on 'Dr Pimple Popper'

UPLAND, CALIFORNIA: There is a large following in Dr Sandra Lee's pimple-popping community, and for devotees of the consistently gratifying squeeze a cyst is the perfect topic. 'Dr Pimple Popper' on TLC features renowned physician Dr Lee, who pops and removes everything from whiteheads and blackheads to lipomas and other skin problems. However, a cyst pop? It's truly a spectacle to behold.
The TLC medical reality program 'Dr Pimple Popper' is one of the strangest reality shows on television, due to the endlessly fascinating conditions of the body and how they can manifest themselves on human skin. Dr Lee acquired the moniker 'Dr Pimple Popper' even before the program aired, thanks to her famous YouTube and Instagram accounts, where she shared pimple-popping videos that enthralled online audiences. Dr Lee's show features a succession of progressively unique and difficult skin conditions that she has never faced before. These eye-popping, stomach-churning lumps and pimples are some of Dr Pimple Popper's most difficult undertakings.
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The BIGGEST pilar cyst
Due to a large lump on the side of her scalp developing through her hair follicles, 28-year-old Irais' new existence in America was not living up to its maximum potential. Customers and coworkers at her work pointed out the lump, and her children were even harassed at school because of it, turning Irais into a social hermit. Irais couldn't afford the procedure to remove the growth, but Dr Lee came in and gave her free surgery to do so. Dr Lee's process quickly revealed that the mass was a pilar cyst. Dr Lee had to remove sections of Irais' head due to the large, balloon-like cyst, but the operation was effective, with Dr Lee merging the incision into her hairline.
Lipoma that weighs more than a newborn
Inoke, a happy-go-lucky father and dancer, was burdened by a large lump on his bicep, giving him the look of the comic character Popeye. Inoke battled with everyday tasks, even fitting into his plane seat on his way to Dr Lee's workplace. Before the operation, Inoke was concerned that his lump was cancerous, but a meeting with Dr Lee showed that it was a benign, fatty tumor known as a lipoma. Inoke's bicep bump measured an amazing 9 pounds, the amount of a robust infant, according to surgery. Inoke was soon able to resume dancing and living life to the utmost.
The LARGEST lipoma
Melissa, one of her first cases on the show, had a lump on her shoulder the size of her cranium. The enigmatic neck growth began as a tiny bump in 2015, but quickly quadrupled in size, forcing the nervous young woman to wear hoodies everywhere, even in front of family or in sweltering weather. The lipoma began to ooze out as soon as Dr Lee made an incision, a process so painful that Melissa could feel Dr Lee yank the fragments out of her.
The HEAVIEST lipoma
Tim, a farmer from North Carolina, was unable to work due to a hunchback-like lipoma growing across his back, which prevented him from tending to his fields and operating his tractor. Tim was so self-conscious about the bulge that he declined to go out on dates. Dr Lee struggled through the operation, as the growth was next to his spine, in a medical scenario that is not for the faint of heart. After removing the large bump that scarcely fit in the receptacle, the lipoma weighed 12 pounds, nine ounces, roughly the size of newborn twins.
2-pound pilar cyst on patient's head
Dennis has had a series of large, watery bumps on his head for over 30 years, with the largest being the size of a grapefruit. Dennis has never had the condition treated, out of fear of having surgeries, despite his wife's concerns. A quick inspection found that the lumps were pilar cysts, with the largest being the biggest Dr Lee had ever seen. The growths were so close to bursting that Dr Lee dubbed them a "water balloon ticking time bomb". Thankfully, due to her good bedside manner and taking time with her surgeries, Dr Lee managed to keep Dennis calm and gave him a much easier life, a sort of kindness that makes 'Dr Pimple Popper' one of the best TLC shows ever made.
'Dr Pimple Popper' is scheduled to return on TLC with its ninth season on April 5, 2023, at 9 pm ET.