'Dr Pimple Popper': Dr Sandra Lee recommends her medical-grade comedone extractor to followers

UPLAND, CALIFORNIA: Get your Dr Pimple Popper Comedone Extractors now! This Comedone Extractor is the same medical-grade extractor that Dr Sandra Lee uses in her videos and will help you to remove blackheads and whiteheads effortlessly and gently.
Dr Lee used a trending meme to market her products in one of her latest Instagram posts. Dr Lee advises folks to obtain her official medical-grade Comedone Extractor and blackhead tweezers to avoid infection. As pleasurable as it is to bust pimples with the fingertips, Dr Lee feels there is a far safer method to do it. So, fans may click on the link in her bio to make the finest investment possible.
Dr Pimple Popper vs YouTube: How Sandra Lee's videos fell foul of platform's rules
How does a Comedone Extractor work, and what is it used for?
The more intensive procedures conducted by Dr Sandra Lee (aka Dr Pimple Popper) should be seen with caution – not just because they are often grisly, but also because they should never be attempted at home by the ordinary popaholic equipped with a lance and a cyst to be dealt with. Even so, when we see her treat the more familiar, low-stakes ailments — like a labyrinth of tiny blackheads that looks exactly like the one on the bridge of your nose — we can't help but think, "Maybe I could just squish those bad guys out myself," Dr Lee-style.
The major reason physicians advise against conducting your own blackhead removal at home is the risk of scarring and skin irritation. But if you know what you're doing and have something a bit more medical-grade than your fingernails, you can do it safely.
You'll need a Comedone Extractor, the silver, tweezer-like instrument used in the official DPP operating room, to prepare for a lavatory blackhead extraction that doesn't result in a bloody, blotchy mess on your face. You may purchase one from Dr Lee's SLMD skin-care brand, and the extractor — a tiny tweezer with fine wire loops on both ends — will be sent right to your home.
Now that you've seen Dr Lee using this little fellow in a blackhead removal video—the nose and ear montage variants are especially satisfying—you might still be hesitant to use it on your face. Dr Lee explains in detail how to utilize a Comedone Extractor in order to aid you the next time you're holding the little instrument between your fingers and looking at your reflection in the bathroom mirror. "Start by cleansing your skin with warm water," recommends Dr Lee. "Then apply a warm, slightly moist, clean towel over the area you want to treat. Hold it to the skin for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, use an alcohol-soaked cotton pad to disinfect both the skin and the tool before you get started." Dr Lee suggests gripping the tweezer tool comfortably by the textured mid-shaft and surrounding the blackhead with the wire loop before pressing down on the skin. "Apply slow and even pressure lightly across the area to release the contents," Dr Lee advises. The white pus should now start to drain from the blocked pore, at which time you may clean and sanitize both the skin and the instrument.
But, this is critical if the blackhead does not pop out with gentle pressure from the Comedone Extractor, stop digging. "There's a time to pop, and a time to stop," Dr Lee advises.