‘Vikings’ Season 6 Episode 4 busts theories of Ivar being exploited by Oleg and shows him as the schemer instead

Sometimes, a preview may or may not be the ultimate decider of what is about to happen next. When we saw the trailer of episode 4, we were almost on the verge of taking Ivar’s side. It so happens that Oleg delegates Ivar to ‘take care’ of his kingdom while he wages a war on whole of Scandinavia. This disappoints Ivar as he thinks he will remain Oleg’s puppet.
We had started to think that Ivar, the God, would finally be controlled by someone else for a change. Although it would have been fascinating to see the oppressor being oppressed for once, we also hoped at the same time that it didn’t happen.
Now, that’s a theory we had devised seeing the trailer. But as the story unraveled more, and in much detail, we realized how wrong we had been all along. Ivar does not or could not become the puppet but rather the puppeteer, who will be controlling the future of the Rusi kings. Notwithstanding real historical facts, Ivar’s influence on Prince Igor could remarkably change the kingdom’s future, or so we think.
While Oleg might want Ivar to be a puppet ruler when he is gone to Scandinavia, Ivar has other plans. He has already befriended the little prince, Igor. Of course, there’s this one unexplained trait of Ivar that makes him develop a soft corner for children. Keeping that psychological angle aside, there is an entire agenda at play here for him.
He might have been quietly following Oleg around like a faithful dog, but that’s not because he had changed or he was seeking any help from Oleg of any kind. But only because he was studying him, observing his behavior, gaining his confidence and learning about his weaknesses, so he can use it against Oleg whenever and however he wants.
Information is leverage and no one handles it better than Ivar, as we have seen many times. After being on the backseat for quite some time now, it’s time for Ivar to rise and become the fearsome Viking once again. And his scheme starts with brainwashing Igor, and become his confidante. Why? So, Ivar can control him and become indispensable to the future ruler of Novogorod and Kiev. This can and perhaps will go a long way in driving Vikings influence on 9th century Russia.
‘Vikings’ Season 6 airs every Wednesday 9 pm, only on History Channel.