‘Vikings’ Season 6 Episode 10 Preview: Bjorn, Ivar and Hvitserk will come face to face in an epic battle

We have finally reached halfway through the final season of the epic show, one exciting chapter at a time. And now, ‘Vikings’ Season 6 is about to take off on its midseason break. It has been quite a rollercoaster ride through nine long episodes of this season already and we knew that soon the day would come when Bjorn Ironside and Ivar the Boneless would stand face to face, fighting for their own rights.
At that time we didn’t quite anticipate Hvitserk to join Ivar on his hubris driven battle. But then he did. And now, when Oleg finally lays down his battle plan on Kattegat, Ivar and Hvirserk lead the army and head to take over their right from Bjorn.
On the other hand, Bjorn tries to rope in Harald and prepare for the incoming Russians. After all, he has no manpower or the allies that he needs to face the massive Russian army and Harald has recently acquired the throne of Norway, more kingdoms, and more power, enough to support Bjorn. Then, we will also have a chance to see Erik the Red rise in his true Vikings elements. So far, we have seen his trait of a confidante and ally to Bjorn. But the battle will test his skills as a real Viking and how he fares against the unpredictable army.
The epic battle that is about to ensue, will change everything for the Vikings, not only in terms of the relationship between the Lothbrok brothers but also for Harald, Olaf and Oleg. Each of these rulers will find themselves and their positions overhauled.
‘Best Laid Plans’ might look like a battle for power and rights but as we understand from our experience of all five seasons of ‘Vikings’, it will end up becoming a battle for justice.
While Ivar is looking at taking back what he lost to Bjorn, the eldest son of Ragnar, and the current king of Kattegat is only striving to preserve his land and its heritage. However, Bjorn is also anxious about how it will go. We have been seeing the king lose his grip over his kingship and kingdom for quite some time now.
And we feel it is dangerous, especially when he should be mustering all his strength and courage to face the brutal stepbrother of his. Ivar might seem to have mellowed down, ever since he has been in Kiev, but that hasn’t changed his agenda of challenging Bjorn.
Here’s something you want to recall. Ivar doesn’t just want the throne; he wants to overthrow his father’s favorite son, the first-born son of Ragnar Lothbrok and who was always considered to be the benchmark for his stepbrothers. Ivar’s ego never allowed him to look at Bjorn as his elder brother but rather a competition. After multiple trials, Ivar has finally found Bjorn in his most vulnerable phase. Knowing him, he would not leave any opportunity at this point to belittle him in all possible ways.
As the preview of ‘Best Laid Plans’ shows, it is going to be a dramatic chapter before the show goes on a midseason break, involving the Rus and Vikings in their violent best.
Take a look:
'Viking' Season 6 Episode 10 will air on February 5 at 10 pm/9c only on History Channel.