‘Vikings’ Season 6 Episode 1 assures Bjorn could be the perfect king of Kattegat

This article contains spoilers for Season 6 Episode 1.
Finally, the time has come for Kattegat to get introduced to its new ruler and new rule. As Ivar is defeated and Lagertha steps down from the throne, Bjorn assumes the responsibility of his people and land. We are not new to Bjorn taking initiatives in battles or his invasion strategies and have seen him succeed as one who can lead and show in every way. But as they say, having leadership traits and being a leader are two very different things and the latter is never easy. Of course, the people of Kattegat are more than happy to have their old ruling family back, so they can count on someone who regards his people as his own and not his slaves, unlike Ivar.
People love Bjorn, as do his brothers. Bjorn established his vision in his first address to the people assuring that trade, not conquests can only take the town to newer heights of development and growth. Despite having a few conflicts in the earlier years, Ubbe and Hvitserk have always looked up to their older brother and now, as he becomes the king, they stand by him.
However, as the king, Bjorn will have to take his own judgment call and be the master of his decisions. A small incident leaves the new leader doubting his capabilities of being a ruler. As we had seen towards the end of season 5, King Harald and King Olaf, come to support Bjorn and his brothers to fight against Ivar to win back Kattegat. Now, Harald is injured from war, his land gets usurped and he needs Bjorn’s support to win back his territory. While his wife Gunhild is not keen on meeting this obligation, Bjorn questions himself and his character. He seems conflicted, a tad doubtful about his capabilities of fulfilling obligations and meeting the needs of people who look up to him. He seeks clarity on his own personality as a king and is not sure if he is like or unlike his father, who was a legend himself and had set a benchmark for Kattegat. We believe that this is the most natural process of easing into the role of a ruler. Seeing Bjorn grow from a little boy into his father’s right hand, and now carrying on the legacy of Ragnar, we can say that Bjorn projects the right attitude and persona of a ruler, just the kind Kattegat needs right now.
Watch Bjorn Ironside’s journey of leadership unravel on ‘Vikings’ Season 6, every Wednesday, at 9pm ET, only on History Channel.