‘Vikings’ Season 6 Episode 1 fans discover budding bromance between Ivar the Boneless and Rus king Oleg

After waiting with bated breath for months, the Vikings have finally arrived with the final chapter of their epic saga, or at least the end of Ragnar’s legacy. And as we ease into the new and final season of ‘Vikings’ on History Channel, we find a new and interesting character who will go a long way this season and perhaps, deeply impact the future of the Viking rule in Norway.
The Rus (erstwhile Russian) king, Oleg, of Kieven Rus (8th century Kiev empire in Russia) encounters our very own Ivar the Boneless, and things take a very unique turn from here. Ivar, who is on the run since Bjorn took over Kattegat, has crossed the Silk Road, down central Europe and landed in Kiev, only to be captured by the men of Oleg. But Oleg has no interest in executing Ivar or banishing him. Instead, he sees an opportunity with a ruthless man like Ivar, who is considered to be a ‘God’ by his fellow Vikings. Oleg befriends Ivar and develops a very strange equation with his captive. And this is where fans find a connection between the two men.
As the two get to know each other, we find a lot in common between them. Each of them is from a different background, culture, and lifestyle, and yet, both are power-hungry rulers, ruthless, and yet lonely, and lovelorn. Even they realize that and find a bonding, albeit with their individual agenda. Like @BuddhaFrog08, we also feel, “Awesome. Ivar found someone just as bat s***crazy as he is! #HistoryVikings”. Or, as @joshuaespencesays, "So Ivar and Oleg have both killed their wives and brothers. I wonder what else they have in common? #HistoryVikings #Vikings"
However, no matter how ominous this might seem or disastrous it could be in the future, as of now fans find the chemistry between Ivar and Oleg to be the perfect ingredient for bromance. But they also feel that nothing could ever beat the friendship of Ragnar and Aethelstan in the first four seasons. Even their relationship was of a captor and captive which transformed into being friends and brothers for life.
As @joshuaespencecomments, “Ivar & Oleg's new bromance can never top Ragnar & Æthelstan's bromance. #RagnarAndÆthelstanForever #HistoryVikings #Vikings”
He also thinks that this new alliance will only get Ivar out of his exile mode and validate his own theory of being the most superior. And it’s not too long before Ivar turns the vicious, brutal Viking that he is known to be.
“Well.. Prince Oleg's validation that Ivar is a god is only going to stoke his ego and knock him out of his depression. I'm sure it won't take long now for Ivar to return to his old ways. #HistoryVikings #Vikings”
Watch ‘Vikings’ Season 6 every Wednesday, at 9 pm ET, only on History Channel.